Small-scale structure from charged leptophilia. (arXiv:1812.02182v1 [hep-ph]) <a href="">Ottavia Balducci</a>, <a href="">Stefan Hofmann</a>, <a href="">Alexis Kassiteridis</a> We consider a charged leptophilic extension of the Standard Model of particle physics as a minimal dark sector. It accomodates a WIMP paradigm at the TeV-scale that is sufficient to solve all small-scale problems of $Lambda$CDM and explain the excess of highly energetic cosmic ray Standard Model electrons and positrons presented recently by the DAMPE collaboration. The predictive power of this model allows to test it in the near future. We consider a charged leptophilic extension of the Standard Model of particle physics as a minimal dark sector. ItRead More →

Unsupervised learning and data clustering for the construction of Galaxy Catalogs in the Dark Energy Survey. (arXiv:1812.02183v1 [astro-ph.IM]) <a href="">Asad Khan</a>, <a href="">E. A. Huerta</a>, <a href="">Sibo Wang</a>, <a href="">Robert Gruendl</a> Large scale astronomical surveys continue to increase their depth and scale, providing new opportunities to observe large numbers of celestial objects with ever increasing precision. At the same time, the sheer scale of ongoing and future surveys pose formidable challenges to classify astronomical objects. Pioneering efforts on this front include the citizen science approach adopted by the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS). These SDSS datasets have been used recently to train neural network modelsRead More →

Turbulent power spectrum in warm and cold neutral medium using the Galactic HI 21 cm emission. (arXiv:1812.02184v1 [astro-ph.GA]) <a href="">Samir Choudhuri</a>, <a href="">Nirupam Roy</a> Small-scale fluctuations of different tracers of the interstellar the medium can be used to study the nature of turbulence in astrophysical scales. Of these, the `continuum’ emission traces the fluctuations integrated along the line of sight whereas, the spectral line tracers give the information along different velocity channels as well. Recently, Miville-Desch^enes et al. (2016) have measured the intensity fluctuation power spectrum of the continuum dust emission, and found a power law behaviour with a power law index of $-2.9 pmRead More →

Spectrally resolved helium absorption from the extended atmosphere of a warm Neptune-mass exoplanet. (arXiv:1812.02189v1 [astro-ph.EP]) <a href="">R. Allart</a>, <a href="">V. Bourrier</a>, <a href="">C. Lovis</a>, <a href="">D. Ehrenreich</a>, <a href="">J.J. Spake</a>, <a href="">A. Wyttenbach</a>, <a href="">L. Pino</a>, <a href="">F. Pepe</a>, <a href="">D.K. Sing</a>, <a href="">A. Lecavelier des Etangs</a> Stellar heating causes atmospheres of close-in exoplanets to expand and escape. These extended atmospheres are difficult to observe because their main spectral signature – neutral hydrogen at ultraviolet wavelengths – is strongly absorbed by interstellar medium. We report the detection of the near-infrared triplet of neutral helium in the transiting warm Neptune-mass exoplanet HAT-P-11b using ground-based, high-resolution observations.Read More →

Col-OSSOS: Color and Inclination are Correlated Throughout the Kuiper Belt. (arXiv:1812.02190v1 [astro-ph.EP]) <a href="">Michael Marsset</a>, <a href="">Wesley C. Fraser</a>, <a href="">Rosemary E. Pike</a>, <a href="">Michele T. Bannister</a>, <a href="">Megan E. Schwamb</a>, <a href="">Kathryn Volk</a>, <a href="">J. J. Kavelaars</a>, <a href="">Mike Alexandersen</a>, <a href="">Ying-Tung Chen</a>, <a href="">Brett J. Gladman</a>, <a href="">Stephen D. J. Gwyn</a>, <a href="">Matthew J. Lehner</a>, <a href="">Nuno Peixinho</a>, <a href="">Jean-Marc Petit</a>, <a href="">Shiang-Yu Wang</a> Both physical and dynamical properties must be considered to constrain the origins of the dynamically excited distant Solar System populations. We present high-precision (g-r) colors for 25 small (Hr>5) dynamically excited Trans-Neptunian Objects (TNOs) and centaurs acquired as partRead More →

A General Classification of Starobinsky-like Inflationary Avatars of SU(2,1)/SU(2) x U(1) No-Scale Supergravity. (arXiv:1812.02192v1 [hep-th]) <a href="">John Ellis</a>, <a href="">Dimitri V. Nanopoulos</a>, <a href="">Keith A. Olive</a>, <a href="">Sarunas Verner</a> Measurements of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) favour models of inflation with a small tensor-to-scalar ratio r, as predicted by the Starobinsky R + R^2 model. It has been shown previously that various models based on no-scale supergravity with different forms of superpotential make predictions similar to those of the Starobinsky model. In this paper we present a unified and general treatment of Starobinsky avatars of no-scale supergravity, using the underlying non-compact SU(2,1)/SU(2) x U(1) symmetryRead More →

The magnetic field structure in CTA 102 from high resolution mm-VLBI observations during the flaring state in 2016-2017. (arXiv:1812.02194v1 [astro-ph.HE]) <a href="">Carolina Casadio</a>, <a href="">Alan P. Marscher</a>, <a href="">Svetlana G. Jorstad</a>, <a href="">Dmitry A. Blinov</a>, <a href="">Nicholas R. MacDonald</a>, <a href="">Thomas P. Krichbaum</a>, <a href="">Biagina Boccardi</a>, <a href="">Efthalia Traianou</a>, <a href="">Jos&#xe9; L. G&#xf3;mez</a>, <a href="">Iv&#xe1;n Agudo</a>, <a href="">Bong-Wong Sohn</a>, <a href="">Michael Bremer</a>, <a href="">Jeffrey Hodgson</a>, <a href="">Juha Kallunki</a>, <a href="">Jae-Young Kim</a>, <a href="">Karen E. Williamson</a>, <a href="">J. Anton Zensus</a> Investigating the magnetic field structure in the innermost regions of relativistic jets is fundamental to shed light on the crucial physical processes giving rise to theRead More →

A flexible GPU-accelerated radio-frequency readout for superconducting detectors. (arXiv:1812.02200v1 [astro-ph.IM]) <a href="">Lorenzo Minutolo</a>, <a href="">Bryan Steinbach</a>, <a href="">Albert Wandui</a>, <a href="">Roger O&#x27;Brient</a> We have developed a flexible radio-frequency readout system suitable for a variety of superconducting detectors commonly used in millimeter and submillimeter astrophysics, including Kinetic Inductance detectors (KIDs), Thermal KID bolometers (TKIDs), and Quantum Capacitance Detectors (QCDs). Our system avoids custom FPGA-based readouts and instead uses commercially available software radio hardware for ADC/DAC and a GPU to handle real time signal processing. Because this system is written in common C++/CUDA, the range of different algorithms that can be quickly implemented make it suitable forRead More →

A Big Sky Approach to Cadence Diplomacy. (arXiv:1812.02204v1 [astro-ph.IM]) <a href="">Knut Olsen</a>, <a href="">Marcella Di Criscienzo</a>, <a href="">R. Lynne Jones</a>, <a href="">Megan E. Schwamb</a>, <a href="">Hsing Wen &quot;Edward&quot; Lin</a>, <a href="">Humna Awan</a>, <a href="">Phil Marshall</a>, <a href="">Eric Gawiser</a>, <a href="">Adam Bolton</a>, <a href="">Daniel Eisenstein</a> The LSST survey was designed to deliver transformative results for four primary objectives: constraining dark energy and dark matter, taking an inventory of the Solar System, exploring the transient optical sky, and mapping the Milky Way. While the LSST Wide-Fast-Deep survey and accompanying Deep Drilling and mini-surveys will be ground-breaking for each of these areas, there remain competing demands on theRead More →

The Secondary Spin Bias of Dark Matter Haloes. (arXiv:1812.02206v1 [astro-ph.CO]) <a href="">James W. Johnson</a>, <a href="">Ariyeh H. Maller</a>, <a href="">Andreas A. Berlind</a>, <a href="">Manodeep Sinha</a>, <a href="">J. Kelly Holley-Bockelmann</a> We investigate the role of angular momentum in the clustering of dark matter haloes. We make use of data from two high-resolution N-body simulations spanning over four orders of magnitude in halo mass, from $10^{9.8}$ to $10^{14} h^{-1} text{M}_odot$. We explore the hypothesis that mass accretion in filamentary environments alters the angular momentum of a halo, thereby driving a correlation between the spin parameter $lambda$ and the strength of clustering. However, we do not find evidenceRead More →

Chandra Observations of the Massive Star-Forming Region Onsala 2. (arXiv:1812.02210v1 [astro-ph.SR]) <a href="">Stephen L. Skinner</a>, <a href="">Kimberly R. Sokal</a>, <a href="">Manuel Guedel</a> Previous radio and infrared observations have revealed an obscured region of high-mass star formation in Cygnus known as Onsala 2 (ON 2). Within this region lies the optically-revealed young stellar cluster Berkeley 87 which contains several OB stars and the rare oxygen-type Wolf-Rayet star WR 142. Previous radio studies of ON 2 have also discovered masers and several H II regions excited by embedded OB stars. Radio and GAIA parallaxes have now shown that the H II regions are more distant than BerkeleyRead More →

Detection of Helium in the Atmosphere of the Exo-Neptune HAT-P-11b. (arXiv:1812.02214v1 [astro-ph.EP]) <a href="">Megan Mansfield</a>, <a href="">Jacob L. Bean</a>, <a href="">Antonija Oklop&#x10d;i&#x107;</a>, <a href="">Laura Kreidberg</a>, <a href="">Jean-Michel D&#xe9;sert</a>, <a href="">Eliza M.-R. Kempton</a>, <a href="">Michael R. Line</a>, <a href="">Jonathan J. Fortney</a>, <a href="">Gregory W. Henry</a>, <a href="">Matthias Mallonn</a>, <a href="">Kevin B. Stevenson</a>, <a href="">Diana Dragomir</a>, <a href="">Romain Allart</a>, <a href="">Vincent Bourrier</a> The helium absorption triplet at a wavelength of 10,833 AA has been proposed as a way to probe the escaping atmospheres of exoplanets. Recently this feature was detected for the first time using Hubble Space Telescope (HST) WFC3 observations of the hot Jupiter WASP-107b. WeRead More →

A framework to monitor activities of satellite data processing in real-time. (arXiv:1812.02234v1 [astro-ph.IM]) <a href="">Minh Duc Nguyen</a> (1), <a href="">Alexander Kryukov</a> (1) ((1) Lomonosov Moscow State University Skobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics) Space Monitoring Data Center (SMDC) of SINP MSU is one of the several centers in the world that collects data on the radiational conditions in near-Earth orbit from various Russian (Lomonosov, Electro-L1, Electro-L2, Meteor-M1, Meteor-M2, etc.) and foreign (GOES 13, GOES 15, ACE, SDO, etc.) satellites. The primary purposes of SMDC are: aggregating heterogeneous data from different sources; providing a unified interface for data retrieval, visualization, analysis, as well as development and testingRead More →

A Scientific Workflow System for Satellite Data Processing with Real-Time Monitoring. (arXiv:1812.02236v1 [astro-ph.IM]) <a href="">Minh Duc Nguyen</a> (1) ((1) Lomonosov Moscow State University, Skobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics) This paper provides a case study on satellite data processing, storage, and distribution in the space weather domain by introducing the Satellite Data Downloading System (SDDS). The approach proposed in this paper was evaluated through real-world scenarios and addresses the challenges related to the specific field. Although SDDS is used for satellite data processing, it can potentially be adapted to a wide range of data processing scenarios in other fields of physics. This paper provides a caseRead More →

Monitoring activities of satellite data processing services in real-time with SDDS Live Monitor. (arXiv:1812.02239v1 [astro-ph.IM]) <a href="">Minh Duc Nguyen</a> (1) ((1) Lomonosov Moscow State University Skobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics) This work describes Live Monitor, the monitoring subsystem of SDDS – an automated system for space experiment data processing, storage, and distribution created at SINP MSU. Live Monitor allows operators and developers of satellite data centers to identify errors occurred in data processing quickly and to prevent further consequences caused by the errors. All activities of the whole data processing cycle are illustrated via a web interface in real-time. Notification messages are delivered to responsibleRead More →

A Galactic Plane Defined by the Milky Way HII Region Distribution. (arXiv:1812.02244v1 [astro-ph.GA]) <a href="">L. D. Anderson</a>, <a href="">Trey V. Wenger</a>, <a href="">W. P. Armentrout</a>, <a href="">Dana S. Balser</a>, <a href="">T. M. Bania</a> We develop a framework for a new definition of the Galactic midplane, allowing for tilt (rotation about Galactic azimuth 90deg.), and roll (rotation about Galactic azimuth 0deg.) of the midplane with respect to the current definition. Derivation of the tilt and roll angles also determines the solar height above the midplane. Here we use nebulae from the WISE Catalog of Galactic HII Regions to define the Galactic high-mass star formation (HMSF) midplane.Read More →

Atmospheric Charm, QCD and Neutrino Astronomy. (arXiv:1812.02248v1 [hep-ph]) <a href="">Michael Benzke</a>, <a href="">Maria V. Garzelli</a>, <a href="">Bernd A. Kniehl</a> We present predictions for the prompt-neutrino flux arising from the decay of charmed mesons and baryons produced by the interactions of high-energy cosmic rays in the Earth’s atmosphere, making use of a QCD approach on the basis of the general-mass variable-flavor-number scheme for the description of charm hadroproduction at next-to-leading order, complemented by a consistent set of fragmentation functions. This same scheme is used for the description of charm hadroproduction at both the Tevatron and the Large Hadron Collider. We compare the theoretical predictions to thoseRead More →

The Breakthrough Listen Search for Intelligent Life: No Evidence of Claimed Periodic Spectral Modulations in High Resolution Optical Spectra of Nearby Stars. (arXiv:1812.02258v1 [astro-ph.SR]) <a href="">Howard Isaacson</a>, <a href="">Andrew P. V. Siemion</a>, <a href="">Geoffrey W. Marcy</a>, <a href="">Jack Hickish</a>, <a href="">Danny C. Price</a>, <a href="">J. Emilio Enriquez</a>, <a href="">Nectaria Gizani</a> We report on high-resolution spectra obtained by the Automated Planet Finder and high resolution optical Levy Spectrometer and the search for periodic spectral modulations, such as those reported in Borra (2016). In their analysis of 2.5 million spectra from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey, Borra (2016) report periodic spectral modulations in 234 stars, and suggestRead More →

Fast Switch and Spline Scheme for Accurate Inversion of Nonlinear Functions: The New First Choice Solution to Kepler’s Equation. (arXiv:1812.02273v1 [physics.comp-ph]) <a href="">Daniele Tommasini</a>, <a href="">David N. Olivieri</a> Numerically obtaining the inverse of a function is a common task for many scientific problems, often solved using a Newton iteration method. Here we describe an alternative scheme, based on switching variables followed by spline interpolation, which can be applied to monotonic functions under very general conditions. To optimize the algorithm, we designed a specific spline routine that is faster and more accurate than those that have been described in the literature. We also derive analytically theRead More →

How Many Hydrated NEOs Are There?. (arXiv:1812.02285v1 [astro-ph.EP]) <a href="">Andrew S. Rivkin</a>, <a href="">Francesca E. DeMeo</a> Hydrated minerals are tracers of early solar system history, and have been proposed as a possible focus for economic activity in space. Near-Earth objects (NEOs) are important to both of these, especially the most accessible members of that community. Because there are very few identified hydrated NEOs, we use the Ch spectral class of asteroids as a proxy for hydrated asteroids, and use published work about NEO delivery, main-belt taxonomic distributions, NEO taxonomic distributions, and observed orbital distributions to estimate the number of hydrated asteroids with different threshold sizesRead More →