Gravitational waves from supercooled phase transitions in conformal Majoron models of neutrino mass
Gravitational waves from supercooled phase transitions in conformal Majoron models of neutrino mass Jo~ao Gonc{c}alves, Danny Marfatia, Ant’onio P. Morais, Roman Pasechnik arXiv:2412.02645v2 Announce Type: replace-cross Abstract: We study supercooled first-order phase transitions above the QCD scale in a wide class of conformal Majoron-like U(1)’ models that explain the totality of active neutrino oscillation data and produce a detectable stochastic gravitational wave background (SGWB) at LIGO, LISA and ET. We place constraints on the U(1)’ breaking scale and gauge coupling using current LIGO-Virgo-Kagra data. We find that strong supercooling can be ruled out in large regions of parameter space if a SGWB is not detectedRead More →