The Properties of Low-Redshift FeLoBAL Quasars: III. The Location and Geometry of the Outflows. (arXiv:2208.02834v1 [astro-ph.GA])
<a href="">Hyunseop Choi</a>, <a href="">Karen M. Leighly</a>, <a href="">Collin Dabbieri</a>, <a href="">Donald M. Terndrup</a>, <a href="">Sarah C. Gallagher</a>, <a href="">Gordon T. Richards</a>

We present continued analysis of a sample of low-redshift iron low-ionization
broad absorption-line quasars (FeLoBALQs). Choi et al. (2022) presented
$SimBAL$ spectral analysis of BAL outflows in 50 objects. Leighly et al. (2022)
analyzed optical emission lines of 30 of those 50 objects and found that they
are characterized by either a high accretion rate
($L_mathrm{Bol}/L_mathrm{Edd}>0.3$) or low accretion rate
($0.03<L_mathrm{Bol}/L_mathrm{Edd}<0.3$). We report that the outflow velocity
is inversely correlated with the BAL location among the high accretion rate
objects, with the highest velocities observed in the parsec-scale outflows. In
contrast, the low Eddington ratio objects showed the opposite trend. We
confirmed the known relationship between outflow velocity and
$L_mathrm{Bol}/L_mathrm{Edd}$, and found that the scatter plausibly
originates in the force multiplier (launch radius) in the low (high) accretion
rate objects. A log volume filling factor between $-6$ and $-4$ was found in
most outflows, but was as high as $-1$ for low-velocity compact outflows. We
investigated the relationship between the observed [O III] emission and that
predicted from the BAL gas. We found that these could be reconciled if the
emission-line covering fraction depends on Seyfert type and BAL location. The
difference between the predicted and observed [O III] luminosity is correlated
with the outflow velocity, suggesting that [O III] emission in high Eddington
ratio objects may be broad and hidden under Fe II emission. We suggest that the
physical differences in the outflow properties as a function of location in the
quasar and accretion rate point to different formation, acceleration, and
confinement mechanisms for the two FeLoBALQ types.

We present continued analysis of a sample of low-redshift iron low-ionization
broad absorption-line quasars (FeLoBALQs). Choi et al. (2022) presented
$SimBAL$ spectral analysis of BAL outflows in 50 objects. Leighly et al. (2022)
analyzed optical emission lines of 30 of those 50 objects and found that they
are characterized by either a high accretion rate
($L_mathrm{Bol}/L_mathrm{Edd}>0.3$) or low accretion rate
($0.03<L_mathrm{Bol}/L_mathrm{Edd}<0.3$). We report that the outflow velocity
is inversely correlated with the BAL location among the high accretion rate
objects, with the highest velocities observed in the parsec-scale outflows. In
contrast, the low Eddington ratio objects showed the opposite trend. We
confirmed the known relationship between outflow velocity and
$L_mathrm{Bol}/L_mathrm{Edd}$, and found that the scatter plausibly
originates in the force multiplier (launch radius) in the low (high) accretion
rate objects. A log volume filling factor between $-6$ and $-4$ was found in
most outflows, but was as high as $-1$ for low-velocity compact outflows. We
investigated the relationship between the observed [O III] emission and that
predicted from the BAL gas. We found that these could be reconciled if the
emission-line covering fraction depends on Seyfert type and BAL location. The
difference between the predicted and observed [O III] luminosity is correlated
with the outflow velocity, suggesting that [O III] emission in high Eddington
ratio objects may be broad and hidden under Fe II emission. We suggest that the
physical differences in the outflow properties as a function of location in the
quasar and accretion rate point to different formation, acceleration, and
confinement mechanisms for the two FeLoBALQ types.