The Physics of Life: Exploring Information as a Distinctive Feature of Living Systems
Stuart Bartlett, Andrew W. Eckford, Matthew Egbert, Manasvi Lingam, Artemy Kolchinsky, Adam Frank, Gourab Ghoshal
arXiv:2501.08683v1 Announce Type: cross
Abstract: This paper explores the idea that information is an essential and distinctive feature of living systems. Unlike non-living systems, living systems actively acquire, process, and use information about their environments to respond to changing conditions, sustain themselves, and achieve other intrinsic goals. We discuss relevant theoretical frameworks such as “semantic information” and “fitness value of information”. We also highlight the broader implications of our perspective for fields such as origins-of-life research and astrobiology. In particular, we touch on the transition to information-driven systems as a key step in abiogenesis, informational constraints as determinants of planetary habitability, and informational biosignatures for detecting life beyond Earth. We briefly discuss experimental platforms which offer opportunities to investigate these theoretical concepts in controlled environments. By integrating theoretical and experimental approaches, this perspective advances our understanding of life’s informational dynamics and its universal principles across diverse scientific domains.arXiv:2501.08683v1 Announce Type: cross
Abstract: This paper explores the idea that information is an essential and distinctive feature of living systems. Unlike non-living systems, living systems actively acquire, process, and use information about their environments to respond to changing conditions, sustain themselves, and achieve other intrinsic goals. We discuss relevant theoretical frameworks such as “semantic information” and “fitness value of information”. We also highlight the broader implications of our perspective for fields such as origins-of-life research and astrobiology. In particular, we touch on the transition to information-driven systems as a key step in abiogenesis, informational constraints as determinants of planetary habitability, and informational biosignatures for detecting life beyond Earth. We briefly discuss experimental platforms which offer opportunities to investigate these theoretical concepts in controlled environments. By integrating theoretical and experimental approaches, this perspective advances our understanding of life’s informational dynamics and its universal principles across diverse scientific domains.