The Collapse of Atomically-Cooled Primordial Haloes. I. High Lyman-Werner Backgrounds. (arXiv:2012.11612v2 [astro-ph.GA] UPDATED)
<a href="">Samuel J. Patrick</a>, <a href="">Daniel J. Whalen</a>, <a href="">Muhammed A. Latif</a>, <a href="">Jacob S. Elford</a>

Pristine, atomically-cooled haloes are leading contenders for the sites of
primordial quasar formation because atomic cooling triggers rapid baryon
collapse that can create 10$^4$ – 10$^5$ Ms black hole seeds. However, until
now no numerical simulations have followed the collapse of haloes with a wide
range of spin parameters and assembly histories for the times required to form
a black hole. We have now modeled baryon collapse in atomically-cooled haloes
for times that are sufficient for supermassive stars to form and die as
direct-collapse black holes (DCBHs). Our simulations reveal that fragmentation
of the accretion disk at the center of the halo after $sim$ 500 kyr is nearly
ubiquitous and in most cases leads to the formation of binary or multiple
supermassive stellar systems. They also confirm that rapid baryon collapse
proceeds for the times required for these stars to form DCBHs. Our discovery
raises the exciting possibility of detecting gravitational waves from DCBH
mergers with LISA in the coming decade.

Pristine, atomically-cooled haloes are leading contenders for the sites of
primordial quasar formation because atomic cooling triggers rapid baryon
collapse that can create 10$^4$ – 10$^5$ Ms black hole seeds. However, until
now no numerical simulations have followed the collapse of haloes with a wide
range of spin parameters and assembly histories for the times required to form
a black hole. We have now modeled baryon collapse in atomically-cooled haloes
for times that are sufficient for supermassive stars to form and die as
direct-collapse black holes (DCBHs). Our simulations reveal that fragmentation
of the accretion disk at the center of the halo after $sim$ 500 kyr is nearly
ubiquitous and in most cases leads to the formation of binary or multiple
supermassive stellar systems. They also confirm that rapid baryon collapse
proceeds for the times required for these stars to form DCBHs. Our discovery
raises the exciting possibility of detecting gravitational waves from DCBH
mergers with LISA in the coming decade.