The Chemical Composition of Globular Clusters of Different Nature in our Galaxy. (arXiv:1904.06256v1 [astro-ph.GA])
<a href="">V.A. Marsakov</a>, <a href="">V.V. Koval&#x27;</a>, <a href="">M.L. Gozha</a>

A catalog of Galactic globular clusters has been compiled and used to analyze
relations between the chemical and kinematic parameters of the clusters. The
catalog contains positions, distances, luminosities, metallicites, and
horizontal-branch morphology indices for 157~globular clusters, as well as
space velocities for 72~globular clusters. For 69~globular clusters, these data
are suppleented with the relative abundances of 28~chemical elements produced
in various nuclear-synthesis processes, taken from 101~papers published between
1986 and 2018. The tendency for redder horizontal branches in low-metallicity
accreted globular clusters is discussed. The discrepancy between the criteria
for cluster membership in the thick-disk and halo subsystems based on chemical
and kinematic properties is considered. This is manifest through the fact that
all metal-rich ($rm{[Fe/H]} > -1.0$) clusters are located close to the center
and plane of the Galaxy, regardless of their kinematic membership in particular
Galaxy subsystems. An exception is three accreted clusters lost by a dwarf
galaxy in Sagittarius. At the same time, the fraction of more distant clusters
is high among metal-poorer clusters in any kinematically selected Galactic

A catalog of Galactic globular clusters has been compiled and used to analyze
relations between the chemical and kinematic parameters of the clusters. The
catalog contains positions, distances, luminosities, metallicites, and
horizontal-branch morphology indices for 157~globular clusters, as well as
space velocities for 72~globular clusters. For 69~globular clusters, these data
are suppleented with the relative abundances of 28~chemical elements produced
in various nuclear-synthesis processes, taken from 101~papers published between
1986 and 2018. The tendency for redder horizontal branches in low-metallicity
accreted globular clusters is discussed. The discrepancy between the criteria
for cluster membership in the thick-disk and halo subsystems based on chemical
and kinematic properties is considered. This is manifest through the fact that
all metal-rich ($rm{[Fe/H]} > -1.0$) clusters are located close to the center
and plane of the Galaxy, regardless of their kinematic membership in particular
Galaxy subsystems. An exception is three accreted clusters lost by a dwarf
galaxy in Sagittarius. At the same time, the fraction of more distant clusters
is high among metal-poorer clusters in any kinematically selected Galactic