The Blue Supergiant Progenitor of the Supernova Imposter AT~2019krl. (arXiv:2009.13541v2 [astro-ph.SR] UPDATED)
<a href="">Jennifer E. Andrews</a>, <a href="">Jacob E. Jencson</a>, <a href="">Schuyler D. Van Dyk</a>, <a href="">Jack M. M. Neustadt</a>, <a href="">Nathan Smith</a>, <a href="">David J. Sand</a>, <a href="">K. Kreckel</a>, <a href="">C.S. Kochanek</a>, <a href="">S. Valenti</a>, <a href="">Jay Strader</a>, <a href="">M.C. Bersten</a>, <a href="">Guillermo A. Blanc</a>, <a href="">K. Azalee Bostroem</a>, <a href="">Thomas G. Brink</a>, <a href="">Eric Emsellem</a>, <a href="">Alexei V. Filippenko</a>, <a href="">Gast&#xf3;n Folatelli</a>, <a href="">Mansi M. Kasliwal</a>, <a href="">Frank J. Masci</a>, <a href="">Rebecca McElroy</a>, <a href="">Dan Milisavljevic</a>, <a href="">Francesco Santoro</a>, <a href="">Tam&#xe1;s Szalai</a>

Extensive archival textit{Hubble Space Telescope}, textit{Spitzer Space
Telescope}, and Large Binocular Telescope imaging of the recent
intermediate-luminosity transient, AT~2019krl in M74, reveal a bright optical
and mid-infrared progenitor star. While the optical peak of the event was
missed, a peak was detected in the infrared with an absolute magnitude of
$M_{4.5,mu {rm m}} = -18.4$ mag, leading us to infer a visual-wavelength
peak absolute magnitude of $-$13.5 to $-$14.5. The pre-discovery light curve
indicated no outbursts over the previous 16,yr. The colors, magnitudes, and
inferred temperatures of the progenitor best match a 13–14 M$_{sun}$ yellow
or blue supergiant (BSG), if only foreground extinction is taken into account,
or a hotter and more massive star, if any additional local extinction is
included. A pre-eruption spectrum of the star reveals strong H$alpha$ and
[N~{sc ii}] emission with wings extending to $pm 2000$,km,s$^{-1}$. The
post-eruption spectrum is fairly flat and featureless with only H$alpha$,
ion{Na}{1}~D, [ion{Ca}{2}], and the ion{Ca}{2} triplet in emission. As in
many previous intermediate-luminosity transients, AT~2019krl shows remarkable
observational similarities to luminous blue variable (LBV) giant eruptions,
SN~2008S-like events, and massive-star mergers. However, the information about
the pre-eruption star favors either a relatively unobscured BSG or a more
extinguished LBV with $M > 20$,M$_{sun}$ likely viewed pole-on.

Extensive archival textit{Hubble Space Telescope}, textit{Spitzer Space
Telescope}, and Large Binocular Telescope imaging of the recent
intermediate-luminosity transient, AT~2019krl in M74, reveal a bright optical
and mid-infrared progenitor star. While the optical peak of the event was
missed, a peak was detected in the infrared with an absolute magnitude of
$M_{4.5,mu {rm m}} = -18.4$ mag, leading us to infer a visual-wavelength
peak absolute magnitude of $-$13.5 to $-$14.5. The pre-discovery light curve
indicated no outbursts over the previous 16,yr. The colors, magnitudes, and
inferred temperatures of the progenitor best match a 13–14 M$_{sun}$ yellow
or blue supergiant (BSG), if only foreground extinction is taken into account,
or a hotter and more massive star, if any additional local extinction is
included. A pre-eruption spectrum of the star reveals strong H$alpha$ and
[N~{sc ii}] emission with wings extending to $pm 2000$,km,s$^{-1}$. The
post-eruption spectrum is fairly flat and featureless with only H$alpha$,
ion{Na}{1}~D, [ion{Ca}{2}], and the ion{Ca}{2} triplet in emission. As in
many previous intermediate-luminosity transients, AT~2019krl shows remarkable
observational similarities to luminous blue variable (LBV) giant eruptions,
SN~2008S-like events, and massive-star mergers. However, the information about
the pre-eruption star favors either a relatively unobscured BSG or a more
extinguished LBV with $M > 20$,M$_{sun}$ likely viewed pole-on.