Sun-Heliosphere Observation-based Ionization Rates Model. (arXiv:2003.09292v3 [] UPDATED)
<a href="">Justyna M. Sok&#xf3;&#x142;</a>, <a href="">D. J. McComas</a>, <a href="">M. Bzowski</a>, <a href="">M. Tokumaru</a>

The solar wind (SW) and the extreme ultraviolet (EUV) radiation modulate
fluxes of interstellar and heliospheric particles inside the heliosphere both
in time and in space. Understanding this modulation is necessary to correctly
interpret measurements of particles of interstellar origin inside the
heliosphere. We present a revision of heliospheric ionization rates and provide
the Sun-Heliosphere Observation-based Ionization Rates (SHOIR) model based on
the currently available data. We calculate the total ionization rates using
revised SW and solar EUV data. We study the in-ecliptic variation of the SW
parameters, the latitudinal structure of the SW speed and density, and the
reconstruction of the photoionization rates. The revision most affects the SW
out of the ecliptic plane during solar maximum and the estimation of the
photoionization rates, the latter due to a change of the reference data. The
revised polar SW is slower and denser during the solar maximum of solar cycle
(SC) 24. The current estimated total ionization rates are higher than the
previous ones for H, O, and Ne, and lower for He. The changes for the
in-ecliptic total ionization rates are less than 10% for H and He, up to 20%
for O, and up to 35% for Ne. Additionally, the changes are not constant in time
and vary as a function of time and latitude.

The solar wind (SW) and the extreme ultraviolet (EUV) radiation modulate
fluxes of interstellar and heliospheric particles inside the heliosphere both
in time and in space. Understanding this modulation is necessary to correctly
interpret measurements of particles of interstellar origin inside the
heliosphere. We present a revision of heliospheric ionization rates and provide
the Sun-Heliosphere Observation-based Ionization Rates (SHOIR) model based on
the currently available data. We calculate the total ionization rates using
revised SW and solar EUV data. We study the in-ecliptic variation of the SW
parameters, the latitudinal structure of the SW speed and density, and the
reconstruction of the photoionization rates. The revision most affects the SW
out of the ecliptic plane during solar maximum and the estimation of the
photoionization rates, the latter due to a change of the reference data. The
revised polar SW is slower and denser during the solar maximum of solar cycle
(SC) 24. The current estimated total ionization rates are higher than the
previous ones for H, O, and Ne, and lower for He. The changes for the
in-ecliptic total ionization rates are less than 10% for H and He, up to 20%
for O, and up to 35% for Ne. Additionally, the changes are not constant in time
and vary as a function of time and latitude.