Satisfying the compressibility sum rule in neutron matter. (arXiv:2007.06589v2 [nucl-th] UPDATED)
<a href="">Mateusz Buraczynski</a>, <a href="">Samuel Martinello</a>, <a href="">Alexandros Gezerlis</a>

The static-response function of strongly interacting neutron matter contains
crucial information on this interacting many-particle system, going beyond
ground-state properties. In this work, we employ quantum Monte Carlo (QMC)
approaches for two large classes of nuclear forces (phenomenological and
chiral) at several different densities. We handle finite-size effects via
self-consistent energy-density functional (EDF) calculations for 4224 particles
in a periodic volume. We combine these QMC and EDF computations in an attempt
to produce a model-independent extraction of the static response function. Our
results are consistent with the compressibility sum rule, which encapsulates
the limiting behavior of the response function starting from the homogeneous
equation of state, without using the latter as an input constraint. Our
predictions on inhomogeneous neutron matter can function as benchmarks for
other many-body approaches, thereby shedding light on the physics of
neutron-star crusts and neutron-rich nuclei.

The static-response function of strongly interacting neutron matter contains
crucial information on this interacting many-particle system, going beyond
ground-state properties. In this work, we employ quantum Monte Carlo (QMC)
approaches for two large classes of nuclear forces (phenomenological and
chiral) at several different densities. We handle finite-size effects via
self-consistent energy-density functional (EDF) calculations for 4224 particles
in a periodic volume. We combine these QMC and EDF computations in an attempt
to produce a model-independent extraction of the static response function. Our
results are consistent with the compressibility sum rule, which encapsulates
the limiting behavior of the response function starting from the homogeneous
equation of state, without using the latter as an input constraint. Our
predictions on inhomogeneous neutron matter can function as benchmarks for
other many-body approaches, thereby shedding light on the physics of
neutron-star crusts and neutron-rich nuclei.