Quasi-parallel anti-sunward propagating whistler waves associated to the electron-deficit in the near-Sun solar wind: Particle-in-Cell simulation
Alfredo Micera, Daniel Verscharen, Jesse T. Coburn, Maria Elena Innocenti
arXiv:2501.01331v1 Announce Type: new
Abstract: In-situ observations of the solar wind have shown that the electron velocity distribution function (VDF) consists of a quasi-Maxwellian core, comprising most of the electron population, and two sparser components: the halo, which are suprathermal and quasi-isotropic electrons, and an escaping beam population, the strahl. Recent Parker Solar Probe (PSP) and Solar Orbiter (SO) observations have added one more ingredient to the known non-thermal features, the deficit-a depletion in the sunward region of the VDF, already predicted by exospheric models but never so extensively observed. By employing Particle-in-Cell simulations, we study electron VDFs that reproduce those typically observed in the inner heliosphere and investigate whether the electron deficit may contribute to the onset of kinetic instabilities. Previous studies and in-situ observations show that strahl electrons drive oblique whistler waves unstable, which in turn scatter them. As a result, suprathermal electrons can occupy regions of phase space where they fulfil resonance conditions with the parallel-propagating whistler wave. The suprathermal electrons lose kinetic energy, resulting in the generation of unstable waves. The sunward side of the VDF, initially depleted of electrons, is gradually filled, as this wave-particle interaction process, triggered by the depletion itself, takes place. Our findings are compared and validated against current PSP and SO observations: among others, our study provides a mechanism explaining the presence in the heliosphere of regularly observed parallel anti-sunward whistler waves; suggests why these waves are frequently observed in concomitant with distributions presenting an electron deficit; describes a non-collisional heat flux regulating process.arXiv:2501.01331v1 Announce Type: new
Abstract: In-situ observations of the solar wind have shown that the electron velocity distribution function (VDF) consists of a quasi-Maxwellian core, comprising most of the electron population, and two sparser components: the halo, which are suprathermal and quasi-isotropic electrons, and an escaping beam population, the strahl. Recent Parker Solar Probe (PSP) and Solar Orbiter (SO) observations have added one more ingredient to the known non-thermal features, the deficit-a depletion in the sunward region of the VDF, already predicted by exospheric models but never so extensively observed. By employing Particle-in-Cell simulations, we study electron VDFs that reproduce those typically observed in the inner heliosphere and investigate whether the electron deficit may contribute to the onset of kinetic instabilities. Previous studies and in-situ observations show that strahl electrons drive oblique whistler waves unstable, which in turn scatter them. As a result, suprathermal electrons can occupy regions of phase space where they fulfil resonance conditions with the parallel-propagating whistler wave. The suprathermal electrons lose kinetic energy, resulting in the generation of unstable waves. The sunward side of the VDF, initially depleted of electrons, is gradually filled, as this wave-particle interaction process, triggered by the depletion itself, takes place. Our findings are compared and validated against current PSP and SO observations: among others, our study provides a mechanism explaining the presence in the heliosphere of regularly observed parallel anti-sunward whistler waves; suggests why these waves are frequently observed in concomitant with distributions presenting an electron deficit; describes a non-collisional heat flux regulating process.