Once a Triple, Not Always a Triple: The Evolution of Hierarchical Triples that Yield Merged Inner Binaries
Cheyanne Shariat, Smadar Naoz, Kareem El-Badry, Antonio C. Rodriguez, Bradley M. S. Hansen, Isabel Angelo, Alexander P. Stephan
arXiv:2407.06257v1 Announce Type: new
Abstract: More than half of all main-sequence (MS) stars have one or more companions, and many of those with initial masses 100 au), the more massive white dwarf (WD) is a merger product, implying that these DWD binaries were previously triples. Overall, we estimate that $44pm14%$ of observed wide DWDs originated in triple star systems and thereby have rich dynamical histories. Additionally, our results suggest that the separations of inner and outer binaries are uncorrelated at birth, providing insights into stellar formation processes. We also examine MS+MS and MS+Red Giant mergers manifesting as Blue Straggler stars (BSSs). These PMBs have orbital configurations and ages similar to most observed BSS binaries. While the triple+merger formation channel can explain the observed chemical abundances, moderate eccentricities, and companion masses in BSS binaries, it likely only accounts for $sim$20-25% of BSSs. Meanwhile, we predict that the majority of observed single BSSs formed as collisions in triples and harbor long-period (>10 yr) companions. Furthermore, both BSS binaries and DWDs exhibit signatures of WD birth kicks.arXiv:2407.06257v1 Announce Type: new
Abstract: More than half of all main-sequence (MS) stars have one or more companions, and many of those with initial masses 100 au), the more massive white dwarf (WD) is a merger product, implying that these DWD binaries were previously triples. Overall, we estimate that $44pm14%$ of observed wide DWDs originated in triple star systems and thereby have rich dynamical histories. Additionally, our results suggest that the separations of inner and outer binaries are uncorrelated at birth, providing insights into stellar formation processes. We also examine MS+MS and MS+Red Giant mergers manifesting as Blue Straggler stars (BSSs). These PMBs have orbital configurations and ages similar to most observed BSS binaries. While the triple+merger formation channel can explain the observed chemical abundances, moderate eccentricities, and companion masses in BSS binaries, it likely only accounts for $sim$20-25% of BSSs. Meanwhile, we predict that the majority of observed single BSSs formed as collisions in triples and harbor long-period (>10 yr) companions. Furthermore, both BSS binaries and DWDs exhibit signatures of WD birth kicks.