Inferring cosmology from gravitational waves using non-parametric detector-frame mass distribution
Thomas C. K. Ng, Stefano Rinaldi, Otto A. Hannuksela
arXiv:2410.23541v2 Announce Type: replace-cross
Abstract: The challenge of understanding the Universe’s dynamics, particularly the Hubble tension, requires precise measurements of the Hubble constant. Building upon the existing spectral-siren method, which capitalizes on population information from gravitational-wave sources, this paper explores an alternative way to analyze the population data to obtain the cosmological parameters in $Lambda$CDM. We demonstrated how non-parametric methods, which are flexible models that can be used to agnostically reconstruct arbitrary probability densities, can be incorporated into this framework and leverage the detector-frame mass distribution to infer the cosmological parameters. We tested our method with mock data and applied it to $70$ binary black hole mergers from the third gravitational-wave transient catalog of the LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA Collaboration.arXiv:2410.23541v2 Announce Type: replace-cross
Abstract: The challenge of understanding the Universe’s dynamics, particularly the Hubble tension, requires precise measurements of the Hubble constant. Building upon the existing spectral-siren method, which capitalizes on population information from gravitational-wave sources, this paper explores an alternative way to analyze the population data to obtain the cosmological parameters in $Lambda$CDM. We demonstrated how non-parametric methods, which are flexible models that can be used to agnostically reconstruct arbitrary probability densities, can be incorporated into this framework and leverage the detector-frame mass distribution to infer the cosmological parameters. We tested our method with mock data and applied it to $70$ binary black hole mergers from the third gravitational-wave transient catalog of the LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA Collaboration.
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