Impact of electron capture rates on nuclei far from stability on core-collapse supernovae. (arXiv:1906.05114v1 [astro-ph.HE])
<a href="">Aur&#xe9;lien Pascal</a> (LUTH), <a href="">Simon Giraud</a>, <a href="">Anthea Fantina</a> (IPNO), <a href="">Francesca Gulminelli</a> (LPCC), <a href="">Jerome Novak</a> (LUTH), <a href="">Micaela Oertel</a> (LUTH), <a href="">Adriana Raduta</a> (NIPNE)

The impact of electron-capture (EC) cross sections on neutron-rich nuclei on
the dynamics of core-collapse during infall and early post-bounce is studied
performing spherically symmetric simulations in general relativity using a
multigroup scheme for neutrino transport and full nuclear distributions in
extended nuclear statistical equilibrium models. We thereby vary the
prescription for EC rates on individual nuclei, the nuclear interaction for the
EoS, the mass model for the nuclear statistical equilibrium distribution and
the progenitor model. In agreement with previous works, we show that the
individual EC rates are the most important source of uncertainty in the
simulations, while the other inputs only marginally influence the results. A
recently proposed analytic formula to extrapolate microscopic results on stable
nuclei for EC rates to the neutron rich region, with a functional form
motivated by nuclear-structure data and parameters fitted from large scale
shell model calculations, is shown to lead to a sizable (16%) reduction of the
electron fraction at bounce compared to more primitive prescriptions for the
rates, leading to smaller inner core masses and slower shock propagation. We
show that the EC process involves $approx$ 130 different nuclear species
around 86 Kr mainly in the N = 50 shell closure region, and establish a list of
the most important nuclei to be studied in order to constrain the global rates.

The impact of electron-capture (EC) cross sections on neutron-rich nuclei on
the dynamics of core-collapse during infall and early post-bounce is studied
performing spherically symmetric simulations in general relativity using a
multigroup scheme for neutrino transport and full nuclear distributions in
extended nuclear statistical equilibrium models. We thereby vary the
prescription for EC rates on individual nuclei, the nuclear interaction for the
EoS, the mass model for the nuclear statistical equilibrium distribution and
the progenitor model. In agreement with previous works, we show that the
individual EC rates are the most important source of uncertainty in the
simulations, while the other inputs only marginally influence the results. A
recently proposed analytic formula to extrapolate microscopic results on stable
nuclei for EC rates to the neutron rich region, with a functional form
motivated by nuclear-structure data and parameters fitted from large scale
shell model calculations, is shown to lead to a sizable (16%) reduction of the
electron fraction at bounce compared to more primitive prescriptions for the
rates, leading to smaller inner core masses and slower shock propagation. We
show that the EC process involves $approx$ 130 different nuclear species
around 86 Kr mainly in the N = 50 shell closure region, and establish a list of
the most important nuclei to be studied in order to constrain the global rates.