Galaxy dynamics, gravitational Vlasov-Poisson system, Landau damping, and scattering theory
Ricardo Weder
arXiv:2501.04175v1 Announce Type: cross
Abstract: We consider the gravitational Vlasov-Poisson system linearized around steady states that are extensively used in galaxy dynamics. Namely, polytropes and King steady states. We develop a complete stationary scattering theory for the selfadjoint, strictly positive, Antonov operator that governs the plane-symmetric linearized dynamics. We identify the absolutely continuous spectrum of the Antonov operator. Namely, we prove that the absolutely continuous spectrum of the Antonov operator coincides with its essential spectrum and with the spectrum of the unperturbed Antonov operator. Moreover, we prove that the part of the singular spectrum of the Antonov operator that is embedded in its absolutely continuous spectrum is contained in a closed set of measure zero, that we characterize. We construct the generalized Fourier maps and we prove that they are partially isometric with initial subspace the absolutely continuous subspace of the Antonov operator and that they are onto the Hilbert space where the Antonov operator is defined. Furthermore, we prove that the wave operators exist, are isometric, and are complete. Moreover, we obtain stationary formulae for the wave operators and we prove that Birman’s invariance principle holds.Further, we prove that the gravitational Landau damping holds for the solutions to the linearized gravitational Vlasov-Poisson system with initial data in the absolutely continuous subspace of the Antonov operator. Namely, we prove that the gravitational force and its time derivative, as well as the gravitational potential and its time derivative, tend to zero as time tends to $pm infty.$ Furthermore, for these initial states the solutions to the linearized gravitational Vlasov-Poisson system are asymptotic, for large times, to the orbits of the gravitational potential of the steady state, in the sense that they are transported along these orbits.arXiv:2501.04175v1 Announce Type: cross
Abstract: We consider the gravitational Vlasov-Poisson system linearized around steady states that are extensively used in galaxy dynamics. Namely, polytropes and King steady states. We develop a complete stationary scattering theory for the selfadjoint, strictly positive, Antonov operator that governs the plane-symmetric linearized dynamics. We identify the absolutely continuous spectrum of the Antonov operator. Namely, we prove that the absolutely continuous spectrum of the Antonov operator coincides with its essential spectrum and with the spectrum of the unperturbed Antonov operator. Moreover, we prove that the part of the singular spectrum of the Antonov operator that is embedded in its absolutely continuous spectrum is contained in a closed set of measure zero, that we characterize. We construct the generalized Fourier maps and we prove that they are partially isometric with initial subspace the absolutely continuous subspace of the Antonov operator and that they are onto the Hilbert space where the Antonov operator is defined. Furthermore, we prove that the wave operators exist, are isometric, and are complete. Moreover, we obtain stationary formulae for the wave operators and we prove that Birman’s invariance principle holds.Further, we prove that the gravitational Landau damping holds for the solutions to the linearized gravitational Vlasov-Poisson system with initial data in the absolutely continuous subspace of the Antonov operator. Namely, we prove that the gravitational force and its time derivative, as well as the gravitational potential and its time derivative, tend to zero as time tends to $pm infty.$ Furthermore, for these initial states the solutions to the linearized gravitational Vlasov-Poisson system are asymptotic, for large times, to the orbits of the gravitational potential of the steady state, in the sense that they are transported along these orbits.

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