From the Dining Room to the Coll{`e}ge royal: The Scholarly Spaces of the Female Collaborators in Astronomy of J{‘e}r{^o}me Lalande. (arXiv:2111.07800v1 [physics.hist-ph])
<a href="">Isabelle L&#xe9;monon-Waxin</a> (CERMES3, EHESS, CAK-CRHST)

J{‘e}r{^o}me Lalande, a famous French astronomer in the 18th century,
collaborated throughout his career with several female calculators in
astronomy: Nicole Reine Lepaute, Marie Louise Dupi{‘e}ry and Marie Jeanne
Lefran{c c}ois. Taking on highly technical tasks of calculation and sometimes
observation, they also took on the scientific ”intendance” for the
astronomer. This management of a part of the scholarly enterprise was mainly
carried out from home, as were the astronomical calculations. This space was
therefore both a family living space and a space for the production of
knowledge. This article will focus on its material organization as well as on
the dynamics that took place between the different places of knowledge involved

J{‘e}r{^o}me Lalande, a famous French astronomer in the 18th century,
collaborated throughout his career with several female calculators in
astronomy: Nicole Reine Lepaute, Marie Louise Dupi{‘e}ry and Marie Jeanne
Lefran{c c}ois. Taking on highly technical tasks of calculation and sometimes
observation, they also took on the scientific ”intendance” for the
astronomer. This management of a part of the scholarly enterprise was mainly
carried out from home, as were the astronomical calculations. This space was
therefore both a family living space and a space for the production of
knowledge. This article will focus on its material organization as well as on
the dynamics that took place between the different places of knowledge involved