Exploring the properties of photosphere and emission lines for tidal disruption events based on the global solution of slim disk and winds
Yuehua Zhang, Qingwen Wu, Jiancheng Wu, Xinwu Cao, Weihua Lei
arXiv:2404.17127v1 Announce Type: new
Abstract: The theoretical debris supply rate from a tidal disruption of stars can exceed about one hundred times of the Eddington accretion rate for a $10^{6-7}M_{odot}$ supermassive black hole (SMBH). It is believed that a strong wind will be launched from the disk surface due to the radiation pressure in the case of super-Eddington accretion, which may be one of the mechanisms for formation of the envelope as observed in tidal disruption events (TDEs). In this work, we explore the evolution of the envelope that formed from the optical thick winds by solving the global solution of the slim-disk model. Our model can roughly reproduce the typical temperature, luminosity and size of the photosphere for TDEs. Based on texttt{CLOUDY} modeling, we find that, if only considering the radiation-driven disk wind, the emission line luminosities are normally much lower than the typical observational results due to the limited atmosphere mass outside the envelope. We propose that the ejection of the outflow from the self-collision of the stellar debris during the circularization may provide enough matter outside the disk-wind photosphere. Our calculated spectra can roughly reproduce the main properties of several typical emission lines (e.g., $rm Halpha$, $rm Hbeta$ and ion{He}{2}), which was applied well to a TDE candidate AT2018dyb.arXiv:2404.17127v1 Announce Type: new
Abstract: The theoretical debris supply rate from a tidal disruption of stars can exceed about one hundred times of the Eddington accretion rate for a $10^{6-7}M_{odot}$ supermassive black hole (SMBH). It is believed that a strong wind will be launched from the disk surface due to the radiation pressure in the case of super-Eddington accretion, which may be one of the mechanisms for formation of the envelope as observed in tidal disruption events (TDEs). In this work, we explore the evolution of the envelope that formed from the optical thick winds by solving the global solution of the slim-disk model. Our model can roughly reproduce the typical temperature, luminosity and size of the photosphere for TDEs. Based on texttt{CLOUDY} modeling, we find that, if only considering the radiation-driven disk wind, the emission line luminosities are normally much lower than the typical observational results due to the limited atmosphere mass outside the envelope. We propose that the ejection of the outflow from the self-collision of the stellar debris during the circularization may provide enough matter outside the disk-wind photosphere. Our calculated spectra can roughly reproduce the main properties of several typical emission lines (e.g., $rm Halpha$, $rm Hbeta$ and ion{He}{2}), which was applied well to a TDE candidate AT2018dyb.