Discovery of two Einstein crosses from massive post–blue nugget galaxies at z>1 in KiDS. (arXiv:2011.09150v2 [astro-ph.GA] UPDATED)
<a href="">N.R. Napolitano</a>, <a href="">R. Li</a>, <a href="">C. Spiniello</a>, <a href="">C. Tortora</a>, <a href="">A. Sergeyev</a>, <a href="">G. D&#x27;Ago</a>, <a href="">X. Guo</a>, <a href="">L. Xie</a>, <a href="">M. Radovich</a>, <a href="">N. Roy</a>, <a href="">L. V. E. Koopmans</a>, <a href="">K. Kuijken</a>, <a href="">M. Bilicki</a>, <a href="">T. Erben</a>, <a href="">F. Getman</a>, <a href="">C. Heymans</a>, <a href="">H. Hildebrandt</a>, <a href="">C. Moya</a>, <a href="">H.Y. Shan</a>, <a href="">G. Vernardos</a>, <a href="">A.H. Wright</a>

We report the discovery of two Einstein Crosses (ECs) in the footprint of the
Kilo-Degree Survey (KiDS): KIDS J232940-340922 and KIDS J122456+005048. Using
integral field spectroscopy from MUSE@VLT, we confirm their gravitational-lens
nature. In both cases, the four spectra of the source clearly show a prominence
of absorption features, hence revealing an evolved stellar population with
little star formation. The lensing model of the two systems, assuming a
singular isothermal ellipsoid (SIE) with external shear, shows that: 1) the two
crosses, located at redshift $z=0.38$ and 0.24, have Einstein radius $R_{rm
E}=5.2$ kpc and 5.4 kpc, respectively; 2) their projected dark matter fractions
inside the half effective radius are 0.60 and 0.56 (Chabrier IMF); 3) the
sources are ultra-compact galaxies, $R_{rm e}sim0.9$ kpc (at redshift $z_{rm
s}=1.59$) and $R_{rm e}sim0.5$ kpc ($z_{rm s}=1.10$), respectively. These
results are unaffected by the underlying mass density assumption. Due to size,
blue color and absorption-dominated spectra, corroborated by low specific
star-formation rates derived from optical-NIR spectral energy distribution
fitting, we argue that the two lensed sources in these ECs are blue nuggets
migrating toward their quenching phase.

We report the discovery of two Einstein Crosses (ECs) in the footprint of the
Kilo-Degree Survey (KiDS): KIDS J232940-340922 and KIDS J122456+005048. Using
integral field spectroscopy from MUSE@VLT, we confirm their gravitational-lens
nature. In both cases, the four spectra of the source clearly show a prominence
of absorption features, hence revealing an evolved stellar population with
little star formation. The lensing model of the two systems, assuming a
singular isothermal ellipsoid (SIE) with external shear, shows that: 1) the two
crosses, located at redshift $z=0.38$ and 0.24, have Einstein radius $R_{rm
E}=5.2$ kpc and 5.4 kpc, respectively; 2) their projected dark matter fractions
inside the half effective radius are 0.60 and 0.56 (Chabrier IMF); 3) the
sources are ultra-compact galaxies, $R_{rm e}sim0.9$ kpc (at redshift $z_{rm
s}=1.59$) and $R_{rm e}sim0.5$ kpc ($z_{rm s}=1.10$), respectively. These
results are unaffected by the underlying mass density assumption. Due to size,
blue color and absorption-dominated spectra, corroborated by low specific
star-formation rates derived from optical-NIR spectral energy distribution
fitting, we argue that the two lensed sources in these ECs are blue nuggets
migrating toward their quenching phase.