Deep ALMA redshift search of a z~12 GLASS-JWST galaxy candidate. (arXiv:2208.13642v2 [astro-ph.GA] UPDATED)
<a href="">Tom J. L. C. Bakx</a>, <a href="">Jorge A. Zavala</a>, <a href="">Ikki Mitsuhashi</a>, <a href="">Tommaso Treu</a>, <a href="">Adriano Fontana</a>, <a href="">Ken-ichi Tadaki</a>, <a href="">Caitlin M. Casey</a>, <a href="">Marco Castellano</a>, <a href="">Karl Glazebrook</a>, <a href="">Masato Hagimoto</a>, <a href="">Ryota Ikeda</a>, <a href="">Tucker Jones</a>, <a href="">Nicha Leethochawalit</a>, <a href="">Charlotte Mason</a>, <a href="">Takahiro Morishita</a>, <a href="">Themiya Nanayakkara</a>, <a href="">Laura Pentericci</a>, <a href="">Guido Roberts-Borsani</a>, <a href="">Paola Santini</a>, <a href="">Stephen Serjeant</a>, <a href="">Yoichi Tamura</a>, <a href="">Michele Trenti</a>, <a href="">Eros Vanzella</a>

The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) has discovered a surprising abundance
of bright galaxy candidates in the very early Universe ($< 500$ Myrs after the
Big Bang), calling into question current galaxy formation models. Spectroscopy
is needed to confirm the primeval nature of these candidates, as well as to
understand how the first galaxies form stars and grow. Here we present deep
spectroscopic and continuum ALMA observations towards GHZ2/GLASS-z12, one of
the brightest and most robust candidates at $z > 10$ identified in the
GLASS-JWST Early Release Science Program. We detect a $5.8 sigma$ line, offset
0.5″ from the JWST position of GHZ2/GLASS-z12 that, associating it with the
[OIII] 88 micron transition, implies a spectroscopic redshift of $z = 12.117
pm 0.001$. We verify the detection using extensive statistical tests. The
oxygen line luminosity places GHZ2/GLASS-z12 above the [OIII]-SFR relation for
metal-poor galaxies, implying an enhancement of [OIII] emission in this system
while the JWST-observed emission is likely a lower-metallicity region. The lack
of dust emission seen by these observations is consistent with the blue UV
slope observed by JWST, which suggest little dust attenuation in galaxies at
this early epoch. Further observations will unambiguously confirm the redshift
and shed light on the origins of the wide and offset line and physical
properties of this early galaxy. This work illustrates the synergy between JWST
and ALMA and paves the way for future spectroscopic surveys of $z > 10$ galaxy

The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) has discovered a surprising abundance
of bright galaxy candidates in the very early Universe ($< 500$ Myrs after the
Big Bang), calling into question current galaxy formation models. Spectroscopy
is needed to confirm the primeval nature of these candidates, as well as to
understand how the first galaxies form stars and grow. Here we present deep
spectroscopic and continuum ALMA observations towards GHZ2/GLASS-z12, one of
the brightest and most robust candidates at $z > 10$ identified in the
GLASS-JWST Early Release Science Program. We detect a $5.8 sigma$ line, offset
0.5″ from the JWST position of GHZ2/GLASS-z12 that, associating it with the
[OIII] 88 micron transition, implies a spectroscopic redshift of $z = 12.117
pm 0.001$. We verify the detection using extensive statistical tests. The
oxygen line luminosity places GHZ2/GLASS-z12 above the [OIII]-SFR relation for
metal-poor galaxies, implying an enhancement of [OIII] emission in this system
while the JWST-observed emission is likely a lower-metallicity region. The lack
of dust emission seen by these observations is consistent with the blue UV
slope observed by JWST, which suggest little dust attenuation in galaxies at
this early epoch. Further observations will unambiguously confirm the redshift
and shed light on the origins of the wide and offset line and physical
properties of this early galaxy. This work illustrates the synergy between JWST
and ALMA and paves the way for future spectroscopic surveys of $z > 10$ galaxy