Cosmology Intertwined III: $f sigma_8$ and $S_8$. (arXiv:2008.11285v4 [astro-ph.CO] UPDATED)
<a href="">Eleonora Di Valentino</a>, <a href="">Luis A. Anchordoqui</a>, <a href="">Ozgur Akarsu</a>, <a href="">Yacine Ali-Haimoud</a>, <a href="">Luca Amendola</a>, <a href="">Nikki Arendse</a>, <a href="">Marika Asgari</a>, <a href="">Mario Ballardini</a>, <a href="">Spyros Basilakos</a>, <a href="">Elia Battistelli</a>, <a href="">Micol Benetti</a>, <a href="">Simon Birrer</a>, <a href="">Fran&#xe7;ois R. Bouchet</a>, <a href="">Marco Bruni</a>, <a href="">Erminia Calabrese</a>, <a href="">David Camarena</a>, <a href="">Salvatore Capozziello</a>, <a href="">Angela Chen</a>, <a href="">Jens Chluba</a>, <a href="">Anton Chudaykin</a>, <a href="">Eoin &#xd3; Colg&#xe1;in</a>, <a href="">Francis-Yan Cyr-Racine</a>, <a href="">Paolo de Bernardis</a>, <a href="">Javier de Cruz P&#xe9;rez</a>, <a href="">Jacques Delabrouille</a>, <a href="">Jo Dunkley</a>, <a href="">Celia Escamilla-Rivera</a>, <a href="">Agn&#xe8;s Fert&#xe9;</a>, <a href="">Fabio Finelli</a>, <a href="">Wendy Freedman</a>, <a href="">Noemi Frusciante</a>, <a href="">Elena Giusarma</a>, <a href="">Adri&#xe0; G&#xf3;mez-Valent</a>, <a href="">Will Handley</a>, <a href="">Ian Harrison</a>, <a href="">Luke Hart</a>, <a href="">Alan Heavens</a>, <a href="">Hendrik Hildebrandt</a>, <a href="">Daniel Holz</a>, <a href="">Dragan Huterer</a>, <a href="">Mikhail M. Ivanov</a>, <a href="">Shahab Joudaki</a>, <a href="">Marc Kamionkowski</a>, <a href="">Tanvi Karwal</a>, <a href="">Lloyd Knox</a>, et al. (47 additional authors not shown)

The standard $Lambda$ Cold Dark Matter cosmological model provides a
wonderful fit to current cosmological data, but a few tensions and anomalies
became statistically significant with the latest data analyses. While these
anomalies could be due to the presence of systematic errors in the experiments,
they could also indicate the need for new physics beyond the standard model. In
this Letter of Interest we focus on the tension of the Planck data with weak
lensing measurements and redshift surveys, about the value of the matter energy
density $Omega_m$, and the amplitude or rate of the growth of structure
($sigma_8,fsigma_8$). We list a few interesting models for solving this
tension, and we discuss the importance of trying to fit with a single model a
full array of data and not just one parameter at a time.

The standard $Lambda$ Cold Dark Matter cosmological model provides a
wonderful fit to current cosmological data, but a few tensions and anomalies
became statistically significant with the latest data analyses. While these
anomalies could be due to the presence of systematic errors in the experiments,
they could also indicate the need for new physics beyond the standard model. In
this Letter of Interest we focus on the tension of the Planck data with weak
lensing measurements and redshift surveys, about the value of the matter energy
density $Omega_m$, and the amplitude or rate of the growth of structure
($sigma_8,fsigma_8$). We list a few interesting models for solving this
tension, and we discuss the importance of trying to fit with a single model a
full array of data and not just one parameter at a time.