Cosmological scalar perturbations in Horndeski-like gravity
Dani de Boe, Fabiano F. Santos, Jackson Levi Said
arXiv:2501.04524v1 Announce Type: cross
Abstract: Scalar-tensor theories are promising dark energy models. A promising scalar-tensor theory, called Horndeski-like gravity, is coming from the application of the Horndeski gravity in string theory and cosmology that takes into account two dilaton fields. In this work we study the stability of the scalar sector of this theory and compare it with that coming from the previously studied tensor sector. Furthermore, the entropy coming from particle production $S_{in}$ and that of the apparent horizon $S$ will be studied, which translates into entropy bounds. The gravitational slip (minus one) to entropy ratio is also considered as a possible replacement for the usual shear viscosity to entropy ratio for black holes.arXiv:2501.04524v1 Announce Type: cross
Abstract: Scalar-tensor theories are promising dark energy models. A promising scalar-tensor theory, called Horndeski-like gravity, is coming from the application of the Horndeski gravity in string theory and cosmology that takes into account two dilaton fields. In this work we study the stability of the scalar sector of this theory and compare it with that coming from the previously studied tensor sector. Furthermore, the entropy coming from particle production $S_{in}$ and that of the apparent horizon $S$ will be studied, which translates into entropy bounds. The gravitational slip (minus one) to entropy ratio is also considered as a possible replacement for the usual shear viscosity to entropy ratio for black holes.

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