Cosmic no-hair theorems for viscous contracting Universes. (arXiv:2008.02286v1 [gr-qc])
<a href="">Chandrima Ganguly</a>

A cosmic no-hair theorem for all initially contracting, spatially
homogeneous, orthogonal Bianchi Cosmologies is derived – which shows that all
such Universes asymptote to a spatially flat, isotropic Universe with the
inclusion of a shear viscous stress. This establishes a new mechanism of
isotropisation in a contracting Universe, which does not take recourse to an
ekpyrosis-like mechanism using an effective ultra-stiff equation of state
fluid, that is, one in which the pressure is much greater than the energy

A cosmic no-hair theorem for all initially contracting, spatially
homogeneous, orthogonal Bianchi Cosmologies is derived – which shows that all
such Universes asymptote to a spatially flat, isotropic Universe with the
inclusion of a shear viscous stress. This establishes a new mechanism of
isotropisation in a contracting Universe, which does not take recourse to an
ekpyrosis-like mechanism using an effective ultra-stiff equation of state
fluid, that is, one in which the pressure is much greater than the energy