Constraining primordial curvature perturbations using dark matter substructure. (arXiv:2207.05747v1 [astro-ph.CO])
<a href="">Shin&#x27;ichiro Ando</a>, <a href="">Nagisa Hiroshima</a>, <a href="">Koji Ishiwata</a>

We investigate the primordial curvature perturbation by the observation of
dark matter substructure. Assuming a bump in the spectrum of the curvature
perturbation in the wavenumber of k>1 Mpc^{-1}, we track the evolution of the
host halo and subhalos in a semi-analytic way. Taking into account possible
uncertainties in the evaluation of the tidal stripping effect on the subhalo
growth, we find a new robust bound on the curvature perturbation with a bump
from the number of observed dwarf spheroidal galaxies in our Galaxy and the
observations of the stellar stream. The upper limit on the amplitude of the
bump is O(10^{-7}) for k~10^3 Mpc^{-1}. Furthermore we find the boost factor,
which is crucial for the indirect detection of dark matter signals, is up to
O(10^4) due to the bump that is allowed in the current observational bounds.

We investigate the primordial curvature perturbation by the observation of
dark matter substructure. Assuming a bump in the spectrum of the curvature
perturbation in the wavenumber of k>1 Mpc^{-1}, we track the evolution of the
host halo and subhalos in a semi-analytic way. Taking into account possible
uncertainties in the evaluation of the tidal stripping effect on the subhalo
growth, we find a new robust bound on the curvature perturbation with a bump
from the number of observed dwarf spheroidal galaxies in our Galaxy and the
observations of the stellar stream. The upper limit on the amplitude of the
bump is O(10^{-7}) for k~10^3 Mpc^{-1}. Furthermore we find the boost factor,
which is crucial for the indirect detection of dark matter signals, is up to
O(10^4) due to the bump that is allowed in the current observational bounds.