ESOcast 100 Light: Dark Matter Less Influential in Early Universe (4K UHD) New observations from ESO’s Very Large Telescope have revealed that the outer parts of massive disc galaxies 10 billion years ago were rotating less quickly than the spiral galaxies, like the Milky Way, that we see today. This ESOcast Light summarises the important points of this discovery and the significance of dark matter, and how it is distributed. Powered by WPeMaticoRead More →

ESOcast 96: Ultracool Dwarf and the Seven Planets Astronomers have found a system of seven Earth-sized planets just 40 light-years away. Using ground and space telescopes, including ESO’s Very Large Telescope, the planets were all detected as they passed in front of their parent star, the ultracool dwarf star known as TRAPPIST-1. Powered by WPeMaticoRead More →