Maximum Force in Modified Gravity Theories. (arXiv:2006.07338v3 [gr-qc] CROSS LISTED) <a href="">John D. Barrow</a>, <a href="">Naresh Dadhich</a> We investigate the existence and nature of classical maximum force bound between two black holes with touching horizons. Besides general relativity, the maximum force bound is independent of black hole masses only in Moffat’s theory, Brans Dicke theory (which is the same as Einstein’s for vacuum) and the higher dimensional generalization of Einstein’s theory, pure Lovelock gravity which is characterised by having single $n$th order term in Lovelock polynomial without sum over lower orders in the action. Further if the bound is to exist in higher dimensions andRead More →

Why the spacetime embedding incompressible supranuclear dense matter is conformally flat?. (arXiv:2009.13451v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED) <a href="">A.A Hujeirat</a> The multi-messenger observations of the merger event in GW170817 did not rule out the possibility that the remnant might be a dynamically stable neutron star with $mathcal{M}_{rm}geq 2.69 mathcal{M}_{odot}.$ This may imply that the central density has the upper limit $rho =rho_{crit},$ beyond which supranuclear dense matter becomes purely incompressible. Based on spacetime-matter coupling in GR, we show that the spacetime embedding incompressible quantum fluids with $rho =rho_{crit}$ is Minkowski flat, which implies that spacetime embedding massive pulsars and NSs must be of bimetric type. The multi-messenger observationsRead More →

An Ultra-Hot Neptune in the Neptune desert. (arXiv:2009.12832v2 [astro-ph.EP] UPDATED) <a href="">James S. Jenkins</a>, <a href="">Mat&#xed;as R. D&#xed;az</a>, <a href="">Nicol&#xe1;s T. Kurtovic</a>, <a href="">N&#xe9;stor Espinoza</a>, <a href="">Jose I. Vines</a>, <a href="">Pablo A. Pe&#xf1;a Rojas</a>, <a href="">Rafael Brahm</a>, <a href="">Pascal Torres</a>, <a href="">P&#xed;a Cort&#xe9;s-Zuleta</a>, <a href="">Maritza G. Soto</a>, <a href="">Eric D. Lopez</a>, <a href="">George W. King</a>, <a href="">Peter J. Wheatley</a>, <a href="">Joshua N. Winn</a>, <a href="">David R. Ciardi</a>, <a href="">George Ricker</a>, <a href="">Roland Vanderspek</a>, <a href="">David W. Latham</a>, <a href="">Sara Seager</a>, <a href="">Jon M. Jenkins</a>, <a href="">Charles A. Beichman</a>, <a href="">Allyson Bieryla</a>, <a href="">Christopher J. Burke</a>, <a href="">Jessie L. Christiansen</a>, <a href="">Christopher E. Henze</a>, <a href="">ToddRead More →

Impact of cosmological signatures in two-point statistics beyond the linear regime. (arXiv:2009.12717v2 [astro-ph.CO] UPDATED) <a href="">Dante V. Gomez-Navarro</a>, <a href="">Alexander Mead</a>, <a href="">Alejandro Aviles</a>, <a href="">Axel de la Macorra</a> Some beyond $Lambda$CDM cosmological models have dark-sector energy densities that suffer phase transitions. Fluctuations entering the horizon during such a transition can receive enhancements that ultimately show up as a distinctive bump in the power spectrum relative to a model with no phase transition. In this work, we study the non-linear evolution of such signatures in the matter power spectrum and correlation function using N-body simulations, perturbation theory and HMcode – a halo-model based method. WeRead More →

Gauge Invariant Second Order Gravitational Waves. (arXiv:2009.11994v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED) <a href="">Zhe Chang</a>, <a href="">Sai Wang</a>, <a href="">Qing-Hua Zhu</a> We investigate the gauge invariance of the second order gravitational waves induced by the first order scalar perturbations by following the Lie derivative method. It is shown explicitly that the second order gravitational waves are gauge invariant in the synchronous frame. In the gauge invariant framework, we derive the equation of motion of the second order gravitational waves and show that the second order gravitational waves are sourced from the first order scalar perturbations described well in the gauge invariant Newtonian frame. Since the observables of gravitationalRead More →

Direct Imaging Discovery of a Young Brown Dwarf Companion to an A2V Star. (arXiv:2009.08537v2 [astro-ph.SR] UPDATED) <a href="">Kevin Wagner</a>, <a href="">D&#xe1;niel Apai</a>, <a href="">Markus Kasper</a>, <a href="">Melissa McClure</a>, <a href="">Massimo Robberto</a>, <a href="">Thayne Currie</a> We present the discovery and spectroscopy of HIP 75056Ab, a companion directly imaged at a very small separation of 0.125 arcsec to an A2V star in the Scorpius-Centaurus OB2 association. Our observations utilized VLT/SPHERE between 2015$-$2019, enabling low-resolution spectroscopy (0.95$-$1.65 $mu m$), dual-band imaging (2.1$-$2.25 $mu m$), and relative astrometry over a four-year baseline. HIP 75056Ab is consistent with spectral types in the range of M6$-$L2 and $T_{rm eff}sim$ 2000$-$2600 K.Read More →

Unraveling the Dirac Neutrino with Cosmological and Terrestrial Detectors. (arXiv:2009.07852v2 [hep-ph] UPDATED) <a href="">Peter Adshead</a>, <a href="">Yanou Cui</a>, <a href="">Andrew J. Long</a>, <a href="">Michael Shamma</a> We propose a method for testing the Dirac neutrino hypothesis by combining data from terrestrial neutrino experiments, such as tritium beta decay, with data from cosmological observations, such as the cosmic microwave background and large scale structure surveys. If the neutrinos are Dirac particles, and if the active neutrinos’ sterile partners were once thermalized in the early universe, then this new cosmological relic would simultaneously contribute to the effective number of relativistic species, $N_text{eff}$, and also lead to a mismatchRead More →

On The Biomass Required To Produce Phosphine Detected In The Cloud Decks Of Venus. (arXiv:2009.07835v2 [astro-ph.EP] UPDATED) <a href="">Manasvi Lingam</a>, <a href="">Abraham Loeb</a> The detection of phosphine in the atmosphere of Venus at an abundance of $sim 20$ ppb suggests that this gas is being generated by either indeterminate abiotic pathways or biological processes. We consider the latter possibility, and explore whether the amount of biomass required to produce the observed flux of phosphine may be reasonable. We estimate that the typical biomass densities predicted by our simple model are potentially orders of magnitude lower than the biomass density of Earth’s aerial biosphere in theRead More →

The Cosmological Optical Theorem. (arXiv:2009.02898v2 [hep-th] UPDATED) <a href="">Harry Goodhew</a>, <a href="">Sadra Jazayeri</a>, <a href="">Enrico Pajer</a> The unitarity of time evolution, or colloquially the conservation of probability, sits at the heart of our descriptions of fundamental interactions via quantum field theory. The implications of unitarity for scattering amplitudes are well understood, for example through the optical theorem and cutting rules. In contrast, the implications for in-in correlators in curved spacetime and the associated wavefunction of the universe, which are measured by cosmological surveys, are much less transparent. For fields of any mass in de Sitter spacetime with general local interactions, which need not be invariantRead More →

Rapid compact jet quenching in the Galactic black hole candidate X-ray binary MAXI J1535-571. (arXiv:2008.11216v3 [astro-ph.HE] UPDATED) <a href="">T. D. Russell</a>, <a href="">M. Lucchini</a>, <a href="">A. J. Tetarenko</a>, <a href="">J. C. A. Miller-Jones</a>, <a href="">G. R. Sivakoff</a>, <a href="">F. Krau&#xdf;</a>, <a href="">W. Mulaudzi</a>, <a href="">M. C. Baglio</a>, <a href="">D. M. Russell</a>, <a href="">D. Altamirano</a>, <a href="">C. Ceccobello</a>, <a href="">S. Corbel</a>, <a href="">N. Degenaar</a>, <a href="">J. van den Eijnden</a>, <a href="">R. Fender</a>, <a href="">S. Heinz</a>, <a href="">K. I. I. Koljonen</a>, <a href="">D. Maitra</a>, <a href="">S. Markoff</a>, <a href="">S. Migliari</a>, <a href="">A. S. Parikh</a>, <a href="">R. M. Plotkin</a>, <a href="">M. Rupen</a>, <a href="">C. Sarazin</a>, <a href="">R. Soria</a>,Read More →

Symmetries from Locality. III. Massless Spin 2 Gravitons and Time Translations. (arXiv:2008.06510v2 [hep-th] UPDATED) <a href="">Mark P. Hertzberg</a>, <a href="">Jacob A. Litterer</a> We relax the assumption of time translation and Lorentz boost symmetry in theories involving massless spin 2 gravitons, while maintaining a basic notion of locality that there is no instantaneous signaling at a distance. We project out longitudinal modes, leaving only two degrees of freedom of the graviton. Our previous work, which assumed time translation symmetry, found that the Lorentz boost symmetry is required to ensure locality at leading order. In this work, without assuming time translations or Lorentz boosts, we show thatRead More →

A JWST Preview: Adaptive-Optics Images of H$_2$, Br-$gamma$, and K-continuum in Carina’s Western Wall. (arXiv:2008.01364v3 [astro-ph.GA] UPDATED) <a href="">Patrick Hartigan</a>, <a href="">Turlough Downes</a>, <a href="">Andrea Isella</a> We present the first wide-field near-infrared adaptive optics images of Carina’s Western Wall (G287.38-0.62), one of the brightest and most well-defined irradiated interfaces known in a region of massive star formation. The new narrowband H$_2$ 2.12$mu$m, Br-$gamma$ and K-continuum images trace the photoevaporative flow from the cloud and identify locations where UV-radiation from the surrounding massive stars excites molecular hydrogen to fluoresce. With a field of view of $sim$ 1.5′ $times$ 2.9′ and spatial resolution between 60 $-$ 110Read More →

Dust clearing by radial drift in evolving protoplanetary discs. (arXiv:2004.02918v2 [astro-ph.EP] UPDATED) <a href="">Johan Appelgren</a>, <a href="">Michiel Lambrechts</a>, <a href="">Anders Johansen</a> Recent surveys have revealed that protoplanetary discs typically have dust masses that appear to be insufficient to account for the high occurrence rate of exoplanet systems. We demonstrate that this observed dust depletion is consistent with the radial drift of pebbles. Using a Monte Carlo method we simulate the evolution of a cluster of protoplanetary discs, using a 1D numerical method to viscously evolve each gas disc together with the radial drift of dust particles that have grown to 100 $mu$m in size. ForRead More →

Some Die Filthy Rich: The Diverse Molecular Gas Contents of Post-starburst Galaxies Probed by Dust Absorption. (arXiv:2007.14004v2 [astro-ph.GA] UPDATED) <a href="">Hassen M. Yesuf</a>, <a href="">Luis C. Ho</a> Quenched post-starburst galaxies (QPSBs) are a rare but important class of galaxies that show signs of rapid cessation or recent rejuvenation of star formation. A recent observation shows that about half of QPSBs have large amounts of cold gas. This molecular CO sample is, however, too small and is not without limitations. Our work aims to verify previous results by applying a new method to study a uniformly selected sample, more than 10 times larger. In particular, weRead More →

On the origin of entropy of gravitationally produced dark matter: the entanglement entropy. (arXiv:2007.09196v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED) <a href="">Mudit Rai</a>, <a href="">Daniel Boyanovsky</a> We study the emergence of entropy in gravitational production of dark matter particles, ultra light scalars minimally coupled to gravity and heavier fermions, from inflation to radiation domination (RD). Initial conditions correspond to dark matter fields in their Bunch-Davies vacua during inflation. The “out” states are correlated particle-antiparticle pairs, and the distribution function is found in both cases. In the adiabatic regime the density matrix features rapid decoherence by dephasing from interference effects in the basis of “out” particle states, effectively reducing itRead More →

Asymptotically de Sitter Universe inside a Schwarzschild black hole. (arXiv:2007.06664v2 [gr-qc] UPDATED) <a href="">Emanuele Alesci</a>, <a href="">Sina Bahrami</a>, <a href="">Daniele Pranzetti</a> Extending our previous analysis, we study the interior of a Schwarzschild black hole derived from a partial gauge fixing of the full Loop Quantum Gravity Hilbert space, this time including the inverse volume and coherent state subleading corrections. Our derived effective Hamiltonian differs crucially from the ones introduced in the minisuperspace models. This distinction is reflected in the class of homogeneous bouncing geometries that replace the classical singularity and are labeled by a set of quantum parameters associated with the structure of coherent statesRead More →

LISA sources from young massive and open stellar clusters. (arXiv:2006.14587v2 [astro-ph.HE] UPDATED) <a href="">Sambaran Banerjee</a> I study the potential role of young massive (YMCs) and open star clusters (OCs) in assembling stellar-mass binary black holes (BBHs) which would be detectable as persistent gravitational-wave (GW) sources by the forthcoming LISA mission. The energetic dynamical interactions inside star clusters make them factories of assembling BBHs and other types of double-compact binaries that undergo general-relativistic (GR) inspiral and merger. The initial phase of such inspirals would, typically, sweep through the LISA GW band. Here, such LISA sources are studied from a set of evolutionary models of star clustersRead More →

The Phoenix stellar stream rose from the ashes of an ancient star cluster. (arXiv:2009.12371v1 [astro-ph.GA]) <a href="">J. M. Diederik Kruijssen</a> (Heidelberg) Observations of an ancient stellar stream provide the first evidence of a vanished population of extremely metal-poor stellar clusters. Their remnants might reveal how the early assembly of the Milky Way proceeded. Observations of an ancient stellar stream provide the first evidence of a vanished population of extremely metal-poor stellar clusters. Their remnants might reveal how the early assembly of the Milky Way proceeded. More →

Reproducing the CO-to-H$_2$ conversion factor in cosmological simulations of Milky Way-mass galaxies. (arXiv:2001.08197v2 [astro-ph.GA] UPDATED) <a href="">Laura C. Keating</a>, <a href="">Alexander J. Richings</a>, <a href="">Norman Murray</a>, <a href="">Claude-Andre Faucher-Giguere</a>, <a href="">Philip F. Hopkins</a>, <a href="">Andrew Wetzel</a>, <a href="">Dusan Keres</a>, <a href="">Samantha Benincasa</a>, <a href="">Robert Feldmann</a>, <a href="">Sarah Loebman</a>, <a href="">Matthew E. Orr</a> We present models of CO(1-0) emission from Milky Way-mass galaxies at redshift zero in the FIRE-2 cosmological zoom-in simulations. We calculate the molecular abundances by post-processing the simulations with an equilibrium chemistry solver while accounting for the effects of local sources, and determine the emergent CO(1-0) emission using a line radiative transfer code.Read More →

A Practical and Consistent Parametrization of Dark Matter Self-Interactions. (arXiv:1908.06067v3 [hep-ph] UPDATED) <a href="">Xiaoyong Chu</a>, <a href="">Camilo Garcia-Cely</a>, <a href="">Hitoshi Murayama</a> Self-interacting dark matter has been proposed to explain the apparent mass deficit in astrophysical small-scale halos, while observations from galaxy clusters suggest that the corresponding cross section depends on the velocity. Accounting for this is often believed to be highly model-dependent with studies mostly focusing on scenarios with light mediators. Based on the effective-range formalism, in this work we point out a model-independent approach which accurately approximates the velocity dependence of the self-interaction cross section with only two parameters. We illustrate how this parameterizationRead More →