Discovery of Candidate X-ray Jets in High-Redshift Quasars. (arXiv:2102.12609v2 [astro-ph.HE] UPDATED) <a href="">Bradford Snios</a>, <a href="">Daniel A. Schwartz</a>, <a href="">Aneta Siemiginowska</a>, <a href="">Ma&#x142;gosia Sobolewska</a>, <a href="">Mark Birkinshaw</a>, <a href="">C. C. Cheung</a>, <a href="">Doug B. Gobeille</a>, <a href="">Herman L. Marshall</a>, <a href="">Giulia Migliori</a>, <a href="">John F. C. Wardle</a>, <a href="">Diana M. Worrall</a> We present Chandra X-ray observations of 14 radio-loud quasars at redshifts $3 < z < 4$, selected from a well-defined sample. All quasars are detected in the 0.5-7.0 keV energy band, and resolved X-ray features are detected in five of the objects at distances of 1-12″ from the quasar core. The X-ray features areRead More →

Intermediate mass and heavy Galactic cosmic-ray nuclei: the case of new AMS-02 measurements. (arXiv:2102.12576v2 [astro-ph.HE] UPDATED) <a href="">Benedikt Schroer</a>, <a href="">Carmelo Evoli</a>, <a href="">Pasquale Blasi</a> The recent measurement of the spectra of intermediate mass nuclei and iron nuclei carried out with the AMS-02 experiment provided us with the most complete set of data on cosmic ray fluxes to date, and allowed us to test the standard model for the transport of these particles through the Galaxy to the finest details. We show that the parameters derived from lighter primary and secondary elements in the cosmic radiation also lead to a good description of the dataRead More →

Displaced new physics at colliders and the early universe before its first second. (arXiv:2102.06221v2 [hep-ph] UPDATED) <a href="">Lorenzo Calibbi</a>, <a href="">Francesco D&#x27;Eramo</a>, <a href="">Sam Junius</a>, <a href="">Laura Lopez-Honorez</a>, <a href="">Alberto Mariotti</a> Displaced vertices at colliders, arising from the production and decay of long-lived particles, probe dark matter candidates produced via freeze-in. If one assumes a standard cosmological history, these decays happen inside the detector only if the dark matter is very light because of the relic density constraint. Here, we argue how displaced events could very well point to freeze-in within a non-standard early universe history. Focusing on the cosmology of inflationary reheating, we exploreRead More →

Simulating relic gravitational waves from inflationary magnetogenesis. (arXiv:2106.03857v1 [astro-ph.CO]) <a href="">Axel Brandenburg</a>, <a href="">Ramkishor Sharma</a> We present three-dimensional direct numerical simulations of the production of magnetic fields and gravitational waves (GWs) in the early Universe during a low energy scale matter-dominated post-inflationary reheating era, and during the early subsequent radiative era, which is strongly turbulent. The parameters of the model are determined such that it avoids a number of known physical problems and produces magnetic energy densities between 0.2% and 2% of the critical energy density at the end of reheating. During the subsequent development of a turbulent magnetohydrodynamic cascade, magnetic fields and GWs developRead More →

TOI-1278 B: SPIRou unveils a rare Brown Dwarf Companion in Close-In Orbit around an M dwarf. (arXiv:2106.04536v1 [astro-ph.SR]) <a href="">&#xc9;tienne Artigau</a>, <a href="">Guillaume H&#xe9;brard</a>, <a href="">Charles Cadieux</a>, <a href="">Thomas Vandal</a>, <a href="">Neil J. Cook</a>, <a href="">Ren&#xe9; Doyon</a>, <a href="">Jonathan Gagn&#xe9;</a>, <a href="">Claire Moutou</a>, <a href="">Eder Martioli</a>, <a href="">Antonio Frasca</a>, <a href="">Farbod Jahandar</a>, <a href="">David Lafreni&#xe8;re</a>, <a href="">Lison Malo</a>, <a href="">Jean-Fran&#xe7;ois Donati</a>, <a href="">Pia Cortes-Zuleta</a>, <a href="">Isabelle Boisse</a>, <a href="">Xavier Delfosse</a>, <a href="">Andres Carmona</a>, <a href="">Pascal Fouqu&#xe9;</a>, <a href="">Julien Morin</a>, <a href="">Jason Rowe</a>, <a href="">Giuseppe Marino</a>, <a href="">Riccardo Papini</a>, <a href="">David R. Ciardi</a>, <a href="">Michael B. Lund</a>, <a href="">Jorge H. C. Martins</a>, <a href="">Stefan Pelletier</a>, <aRead More →

Clock-jitter reduction in LISA time-delay interferometry combinations. (arXiv:2005.02430v4 [astro-ph.IM] UPDATED) <a href="">Olaf Hartwig</a>, <a href="">Jean-Baptiste Bayle</a> The Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA) is a European Space Agency mission that aims to measure gravitational waves in the millihertz range. The three-spacecraft constellation forms a nearly-equilateral triangle, which experiences flexing along its orbit around the Sun. These time-varying and unequal armlengths require to process measurements with time-delay interferometry (TDI) to synthesize virtual equal-arm interferometers, and reduce the otherwise overwhelming laser frequency noise. Algorithms compatible with such TDI combinations have recently been proposed in order to suppress the phase fluctuations of the onboard ultra-stable oscillators (USO) used asRead More →

Molecular dynamics approach for predicting release temperatures of noble gases in pre-solar nanodiamonds. (arXiv:2005.00434v2 [physics.comp-ph] UPDATED) <a href="">Alireza Aghajamali</a>, <a href="">Andrey A. Shiryaev</a>, <a href="">Nigel A. Marks</a> Pre-solar meteoritic nanodiamond grains carry an array of isotopically distinct noble gas components and provide information on the history of nucleosynthesis, galactic mixing and the formation of the Solar system. In this paper, we develop a molecular dynamics approach to predict thermal release pattern of implanted noble gases (He and Xe) in nanodiamonds. We provide atomistic details of the unimodal temperature release distribution for He and a bimodal behavior for Xe. Intriguingly, our model shows that the thermalRead More →

There’s No Place Like Home (in Our Own Solar System): Searching for ET Near White Dwarfs. (arXiv:2001.00673v4 [physics.pop-ph] UPDATED) <a href="">John Gertz</a> The preponderance of white dwarfs in the Milky Way were formed from the remnants of stars of the same or somewhat higher mass as the Sun, i.e., from G-stars. We know that life can exist around G-stars. Any technologically advanced civilization residing within the habitable zone of a G-star will face grave peril when its star transitions from the main sequence and successively enters sub-giant, red giant, planetary nebula, and white dwarf stages. In fact, if the civilization takes no action it willRead More →

Festina Lente: EFT Constraints from Charged Black Hole Evaporation in de Sitter. (arXiv:1910.01648v4 [hep-th] UPDATED) <a href="">Miguel Montero</a>, <a href="">Thomas Van Riet</a>, <a href="">Gerben Venken</a> In the Swampland philosophy of constraining EFTs from black hole mechanics we study charged black hole evaporation in de Sitter space. We establish how the black hole mass and charge change over time due to both Hawking radiation and Schwinger pair production as a function of the masses and charges of the elementary particles in the theory. We find a lower bound on the mass of charged particles by demanding that large charged black holes evaporate back to empty deRead More →

Machine learning technique for morphological classification of galaxies from the SDSS. I. Photometry-based approach. (arXiv:1712.08955v3 [astro-ph.GA] UPDATED) <a href="">I.B. Vavilova</a>, <a href="">D.V. Dobrycheva</a>, <a href="">M.Yu. Vasylenko</a>, <a href="">A.A. Elyiv</a>, <a href="">O.V. Melnyk</a>, <a href="">V. Khramtsov</a> Methods. We used different galaxy classification techniques: human labeling, multi-photometry diagrams, Naive Bayes, Logistic Regression, Support Vector Machine, Random Forest, k-Nearest Neighbors, and k-fold validation. Results. We present results of a binary automated morphological classification of galaxies conducted by human labeling, multiphotometry, and supervised Machine Learning methods. We applied its to the sample of galaxies from the SDSS DR9 with 0.02 < z < 0.1 and 24m < Mr <Read More →

Post-Detection SETI Protocols & METI: The Time Has Come To Regulate Them Both. (arXiv:1701.08422v4 [physics.pop-ph] UPDATED) <a href="">John Gertz</a> Regulations governing METI are weak or non-existent. Post-detection SETI protocols are non-binding and too general. Vastly increased SETI capabilities, Chinese involvement in the field, and an intensified effort by METI-ists to initiate radio transmissions to the stars are among reasons cited for urgency in addressing the question of appropriate regulations. Recommendations include regulations at the agency level and laws at the national level as well as international treaties and oversight. Regulations governing METI are weak or non-existent. Post-detection SETI protocols are non-binding and too general. VastlyRead More →

ET Probes: Looking Here as Well as There. (arXiv:1609.04635v2 [physics.pop-ph] UPDATED) <a href="">John Gertz</a> Almost all SETI searches to date have explicitly targeted stars in the hope of detecting artificial radio or optical transmissions. It is argued that extra-terrestrials (ET) might regard sending physical probes to our own Solar System as a more efficient means for sending large amounts of information to Earth. Probes are more efficient in terms of energy and time expenditures; may solve for the vexing problem of Drake’s L factor term, namely, that the civilization wishing to send information may not coexist temporally with the intended recipient; and they alleviate ET’sRead More →

Reviewing METI: A Critical Analysis of the Arguments. (arXiv:1605.05663v3 [physics.pop-ph] UPDATED) <a href="">John Gertz</a> There is an ongoing debate pertaining to the question of whether Earth should initiate intentional and powerful radio transmissions to putative extra-terrestrial (ET) civilizations in the hope of attracting ET’s attention. This practice is known as METI (Messaging to ET Intelligence) or Active SETI. The debate has recently taken on a sense of urgency, as additional proponents have announced their intention to commence de novo transmissions as soon as they become funded and acquire the needed time on a powerful transmitter such as Arecibo. Arguments in favor of METI are reviewed.Read More →

A feather on the hat: Tracing the giant stellar stream around the Sombrero galaxy. (arXiv:2106.04548v1 [astro-ph.GA]) <a href="">David Martinez-Delgado</a>, <a href="">Javier Roman</a>, <a href="">Denis Erkal</a>, <a href="">Mischa Schirmer</a>, <a href="">Santi Roca-Fabrega</a>, <a href="">Seppo Laine</a>, <a href="">Giuseppe Donatiello</a>, <a href="">Manuel Jimenez</a>, <a href="">David Malin</a>, <a href="">Julio A. Carballo-Bello</a> Recent evidence of extremely metal-rich stars found in the Sombrero galaxy (M104) halo suggests that this galaxy has undergone a recent major merger with a relatively massive galaxy. In this paper, we present wide-field deep images of the M104 outskirts obtained with a 18-cm amateur telescope with the purpose of detecting any coherent tidal features from this possibleRead More →

The distance and extinction to the Milky Way’s spiral arms along the Galactic centre line-of-sight. (arXiv:2106.04529v1 [astro-ph.GA]) <a href="">Francisco Nogueras-Lara</a>, <a href="">Rainer Sch&#xf6;del</a>, <a href="">Nadine Neumayer</a> The position of the Sun inside the Milky Way’s disc hampers the study of the spiral arm structure. We aim to analyse the spiral arms along the line-of-sight towards the Galactic centre (GC) to determine their distance, extinction, and stellar population. We use the GALACTICNUCLEUS survey, a JHKs high angular resolution photometric catalogue (0.2″) for the innermost regions of the Galaxy. We fitted simple synthetic colour-magnitude models to our data via $chi^2$ minimisation. We computed the distance and extinctionRead More →

Stellar limits on light CP-even scalar. (arXiv:2010.01124v2 [hep-ph] UPDATED) <a href="">P. S. Bhupal Dev</a>, <a href="">Rabindra N. Mohapatra</a>, <a href="">Yongchao Zhang</a> We revisit the astrophysical constraints on a generic light CP-even scalar particle $S$, mixing with the Standard Model (SM) Higgs boson, from observed luminosities of the Sun, red giants, white dwarfs and horizontal-branch stars. The production of $S$ in the stellar core is dominated by the electron-nuclei bremsstrahlung process $e + N to e + N + S$. With the $S$ decay and reabsorption processes taken into consideration, we find that the stellar luminosity limits exclude a broad range of parameter space in theRead More →

Broadband X-ray spectral variability of the pulsing ULX NGC 1313 X-2. (arXiv:2106.04501v1 [astro-ph.HE]) <a href="">A. Robba</a>, <a href="">C. Pinto</a>, <a href="">D. J. Walton</a>, <a href="">R. Soria</a>, <a href="">P. Kosec</a>, <a href="">F. Pintore</a>, <a href="">T. P. Roberts</a>, <a href="">W. N. Alston</a>, <a href="">M. Middleton</a>, <a href="">G. Cusumano</a>, <a href="">H. P. Earnshaw</a>, <a href="">F. Fuerst</a>, <a href="">R. Sathyaprakash</a>, <a href="">E. Kyritsis</a>, <a href="">A. C. Fabian</a> It is thought that ultraluminous X-ray sources (ULXs) are mainly powered by super-Eddington accreting neutron stars or black holes as shown by recent discovery of X-ray pulsations and relativistic winds. This work presents a follow up study of the spectral evolution overRead More →

On the (mis)interpretation of the scattering polarization signatures in the Ca II 8542 A line through spectral line inversions. (arXiv:2106.04478v1 [astro-ph.SR]) <a href="">Rebecca Centeno</a>, <a href="">Jaime de la Cruz Rodriguez</a>, <a href="">Tanausu del Pino Aleman</a> Scattering polarization tends to dominate the linear polarization signals of the Ca II 8542 A line in weakly magnetized areas ($B lesssim 100$ G), especially when the observing geometry is close to the limb. In this paper we evaluate the degree of applicability of existing non-LTE spectral line inversion codes (which assume that the spectral line polarization is due to the Zeeman effect only) at inferring the magnetic field vectorRead More →

Implications of PREX-2 data on the neutrino-electron scattering in dense matter. (arXiv:2106.04474v1 [nucl-th]) <a href="">Parada T. P. Hutauruk</a> Motivated by the recent measurement of the neutron distribution radius of ${}^{208}$Pb from the PREX-2 data, we study the effects of the new G3(M) parameter set constrained by PREX-2 data on the electron-neutrino scattering in dense matter using the extended relativistic mean field (E-RMF) model. We use the G3(M) parameter set to describe the nuclear matter. The equation of state obtained for the G3(M) parameter set has an excellent agreement with experimental data. We analyze both differential cross section of electron-neutrino and electron-neutrino mean free path toRead More →

Focal Plane Wavefront Sensing using Machine Learning: Performance of Convolutional Neural Networks compared to Fundamental Limits. (arXiv:2106.04456v1 [astro-ph.IM]) <a href="">G. Orban de Xivry</a>, <a href="">M. Quesnel</a>, <a href="">P.-O. Vanberg</a>, <a href="">O. Absil</a>, <a href="">G. Louppe</a> Focal plane wavefront sensing (FPWFS) is appealing for several reasons. Notably, it offers high sensitivity and does not suffer from non-common path aberrations (NCPA). The price to pay is a high computational burden and the need for diversity to lift any phase ambiguity. If those limitations can be overcome, FPWFS is a great solution for NCPA measurement, a key limitation for high-contrast imaging, and could be used as adaptive opticsRead More →