Bolometric interferometry and spectral: a QUBIC overview
Tom Laclav`ere
arXiv:2406.15414v1 Announce Type: new
Abstract: The Q & U Bolometric Interferometer for Cosmology (QUBIC) is a new kind of cosmological instrument that uses interferometry to observe the sky. The unique synthesized beam of QUBIC has an important frequency d’ependance that we use to increase spectral resolution and perform new component separation methods, allowing us to mitigate foreground contamination in an improved manner.arXiv:2406.15414v1 Announce Type: new
Abstract: The Q & U Bolometric Interferometer for Cosmology (QUBIC) is a new kind of cosmological instrument that uses interferometry to observe the sky. The unique synthesized beam of QUBIC has an important frequency d’ependance that we use to increase spectral resolution and perform new component separation methods, allowing us to mitigate foreground contamination in an improved manner.

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