Automated eccentricity measurement from raw eclipsing binary light curves with intrinsic variability
Abstract abridged. Eclipsing binary systems provide the opportunity to measure the fundamental parameters of their component stars in a stellar-model-independent way. This makes them ideal candidates for testing and calibrating theories of stellar structure and (tidal) evolution. Even without spectroscopic follow-up there is often enough information in their photometric time series to warrant analysis, especially if there is an added value present in the form of intrinsic variability, such as pulsations. Our goal is to implement and validate a framework for the homogeneous analysis of large numbers of eclipsing binary light curves, such as the numerous high-duty-cycle observations from space missions like TESS. The aim of this framework is to be quick and simple to run and to limit the user’s time investment when obtaining, amongst other parameters, orbital eccentricities. We developed a new and fully automated methodology for the analysis of eclipsing binary light curves with or without additional intrinsic variability. Our method includes a fast iterative pre-whitening procedure. Orbital and stellar parameters are measured under the assumption of spherical stars of uniform brightness. We tested our methodology in two settings: a set of synthetic light curves with known input and the catalogue of Kepler eclipsing binaries. The synthetic tests show that we can reliably recover the frequencies and amplitudes of the sinusoids included in the signal as well as the input binary parameters. Recovery of the tangential component of eccentricity is the most accurate and precise. Kepler results confirm a robust determination of orbital periods, with 80.5% of periods matching the catalogued ones. We present the eccentricities for this analysis and show that they broadly follow the theoretically expected pattern as a function of the orbital period.Abstract abridged. Eclipsing binary systems provide the opportunity to measure the fundamental parameters of their component stars in a stellar-model-independent way. This makes them ideal candidates for testing and calibrating theories of stellar structure and (tidal) evolution. Even without spectroscopic follow-up there is often enough information in their photometric time series to warrant analysis, especially if there is an added value present in the form of intrinsic variability, such as pulsations. Our goal is to implement and validate a framework for the homogeneous analysis of large numbers of eclipsing binary light curves, such as the numerous high-duty-cycle observations from space missions like TESS. The aim of this framework is to be quick and simple to run and to limit the user’s time investment when obtaining, amongst other parameters, orbital eccentricities. We developed a new and fully automated methodology for the analysis of eclipsing binary light curves with or without additional intrinsic variability. Our method includes a fast iterative pre-whitening procedure. Orbital and stellar parameters are measured under the assumption of spherical stars of uniform brightness. We tested our methodology in two settings: a set of synthetic light curves with known input and the catalogue of Kepler eclipsing binaries. The synthetic tests show that we can reliably recover the frequencies and amplitudes of the sinusoids included in the signal as well as the input binary parameters. Recovery of the tangential component of eccentricity is the most accurate and precise. Kepler results confirm a robust determination of orbital periods, with 80.5% of periods matching the catalogued ones. We present the eccentricities for this analysis and show that they broadly follow the theoretically expected pattern as a function of the orbital period.