ACCESS: An optical transmission spectrum of the high-gravity, hot Jupiter HAT-P-23b. (arXiv:2104.04101v1 [astro-ph.EP])
<a href="">Ian C. Weaver</a>, <a href="">Mercedes L&#xf3;pez-Morales</a>, <a href="">Munazza K. Alam</a>, <a href="">N&#xe9;stor Espinoza</a>, <a href="">Benjamin V. Rackham</a>, <a href="">Jayesh M. Goyal</a>, <a href="">Ryan J. MacDonald</a>, <a href="">Nikole K. Lewis</a>, <a href="">D&#xe1;niel Apai</a>, <a href="">Alex Bixel</a>, <a href="">Andr&#xe9;s Jord&#xe1;n</a>, <a href="">James Kirk</a>, <a href="">Chima McGruder</a>, <a href="">David J. Osip</a>

We present a new ground-based visible transmission spectrum of the
high-gravity, hot Jupiter HAT-P-23b, obtained as part of the ACCESS project. We
derive the spectrum from five transits observed between 2016 and 2018, with
combined wavelength coverage between 5200 {AA} – 9269 {AA} in 200 {AA} bins,
and with a median precision of 247 ppm per bin. HAT-P-23b’s relatively high
surface gravity (g ~ 30 m/s^2), combined with updated stellar and planetary
parameters from Gaia DR2, gives a 5-scale-height signal of 384 ppm for a
hydrogen-dominated atmosphere. Bayesian models favor a clear atmosphere for the
planet with the tentative presence of TiO, after simultaneously modeling
stellar contamination, using spots parameter constraints from photometry. If
confirmed, HAT-P-23b would be the first example of a high-gravity gas giant
with a clear atmosphere observed in transmission at optical/NIR wavelengths;
therefore, we recommend expanding observations to the UV and IR to confirm our
results and further characterize this planet. This result demonstrates how
combining transmission spectroscopy of exoplanet atmospheres with long-term
photometric monitoring of the host stars can help disentangle the exoplanet and
stellar activity signals.

We present a new ground-based visible transmission spectrum of the
high-gravity, hot Jupiter HAT-P-23b, obtained as part of the ACCESS project. We
derive the spectrum from five transits observed between 2016 and 2018, with
combined wavelength coverage between 5200 {AA} – 9269 {AA} in 200 {AA} bins,
and with a median precision of 247 ppm per bin. HAT-P-23b’s relatively high
surface gravity (g ~ 30 m/s^2), combined with updated stellar and planetary
parameters from Gaia DR2, gives a 5-scale-height signal of 384 ppm for a
hydrogen-dominated atmosphere. Bayesian models favor a clear atmosphere for the
planet with the tentative presence of TiO, after simultaneously modeling
stellar contamination, using spots parameter constraints from photometry. If
confirmed, HAT-P-23b would be the first example of a high-gravity gas giant
with a clear atmosphere observed in transmission at optical/NIR wavelengths;
therefore, we recommend expanding observations to the UV and IR to confirm our
results and further characterize this planet. This result demonstrates how
combining transmission spectroscopy of exoplanet atmospheres with long-term
photometric monitoring of the host stars can help disentangle the exoplanet and
stellar activity signals.