Probing the low-energy particle content of blazar jets through MeV observations
F. Tavecchio, L. Nava, A. Sciaccaluga, P. Coppi
arXiv:2412.09089v2 Announce Type: replace
Abstract: Many of the blazars observed by Fermi actually have the peak of their time-averaged gamma-ray emission outside the $sim$ GeV Fermi energy range, at $sim$ MeV energies. The detailed shape of the emission spectrum around the $sim$ MeV peak places important constraints on acceleration and radiation mechanisms in the blazar jet and may not be the simple broken power law obtained by extrapolating from the observed X-ray and GeV gamma-ray spectra. In particular, state-of-the-art simulations of particle acceleration by shocks show that a significant fraction (possibly up to $approx 90%$) of the available energy may go into bulk, quasi-thermal heating of the plasma crossing the shock rather than producing a non-thermal power law tail. Other “gentler” but possibly more pervasive acceleration mechanisms such as shear acceleration at the jet boundary may result in a further build-up of the low-energy ($gamma lesssim 10^{2}$) electron/positron population in the jet. As already discussed for the case of gamma-ray bursts, the presence of a low-energy, Maxwellian-like “bump” in the jet particle energy distribution can strongly affect the spectrum of the emitted radiation, e.g., producing an excess over the emission expected from a power-law extrapolation of a blazar’s GeV-TeV spectrum. We explore the potential detectability of the spectral component ascribable to a hot, quasi-thermal population of electrons in the high-energy emission of flat-spectrum radio quasars (FSRQ). We show that for typical FSRQ physical parameters, the expected spectral signature is located at $sim$ MeV energies. For the brightest Fermi FSRQ sources, the presence of such a component will be constrained by the upcoming MeV Compton Spectrometer and Imager (COSI) satellite.arXiv:2412.09089v2 Announce Type: replace
Abstract: Many of the blazars observed by Fermi actually have the peak of their time-averaged gamma-ray emission outside the $sim$ GeV Fermi energy range, at $sim$ MeV energies. The detailed shape of the emission spectrum around the $sim$ MeV peak places important constraints on acceleration and radiation mechanisms in the blazar jet and may not be the simple broken power law obtained by extrapolating from the observed X-ray and GeV gamma-ray spectra. In particular, state-of-the-art simulations of particle acceleration by shocks show that a significant fraction (possibly up to $approx 90%$) of the available energy may go into bulk, quasi-thermal heating of the plasma crossing the shock rather than producing a non-thermal power law tail. Other “gentler” but possibly more pervasive acceleration mechanisms such as shear acceleration at the jet boundary may result in a further build-up of the low-energy ($gamma lesssim 10^{2}$) electron/positron population in the jet. As already discussed for the case of gamma-ray bursts, the presence of a low-energy, Maxwellian-like “bump” in the jet particle energy distribution can strongly affect the spectrum of the emitted radiation, e.g., producing an excess over the emission expected from a power-law extrapolation of a blazar’s GeV-TeV spectrum. We explore the potential detectability of the spectral component ascribable to a hot, quasi-thermal population of electrons in the high-energy emission of flat-spectrum radio quasars (FSRQ). We show that for typical FSRQ physical parameters, the expected spectral signature is located at $sim$ MeV energies. For the brightest Fermi FSRQ sources, the presence of such a component will be constrained by the upcoming MeV Compton Spectrometer and Imager (COSI) satellite.